Knowhow-Now Article

When Would You Need A Dental Malpractice Attorney?

Medical law has become so complicated that specialist branches have developed. Medical malpractice – usually called "med mal" – used to cover any aspect of health, from the drugs you take to slipping on a puddle in a hospital waiting room. But those days are over. If you have had a major problem with a dentist or oral surgeon, you need the advice of a dental malpractice attorney.
Where Can I Find One?
Dental malpractice attorneys are not cheap. Don’t just go to one with any complaint you might have about your dentist or oral surgeon. Save it for big cases such as waking up in the middle of an operation or being given the wrong person's bridge. But even finding out what your rights are is worth the cost of a consultation with a legal malpractice attorney specialist.
You can find dental malpractice attorneys online, in your yellow pages or with the help of your friends in the legal profession (if you happen to have any in the legal profession). One of the best websites to go for a comprehensive state by state listing of dental malpractice attorneys is at Law
Problems That Require Legal Attention
There are many problems that dental malpractice attorneys handle. You may not even need to go to court, as most cases are settled out of court. These problems include being given a wrong diagnosis and treatment for a wrong diagnosis. Even a delay of treatment can be solid legal grounds for suing your dentist or oral surgeon. If your dentist knows you have a problem (like oral cancer) and doesn’t tell you about this problem, please see a dental malpractice attorney.
If you got injured during the time your teeth was being worked on (say – the dentist drops the drill) then you can sue. If the dentist used the wrong kind of bonding material or filling material than that would also be grounds for legal action. Taking out the wrong teeth is definite grounds to sue the shirt and pants off of your dentist.
You need to check with a dental malpractice attorney quickly after your injury or problem, though. The statue of limitations is very short in some states – abut six months. Some states are longer, but the sooner you can get this mess behind you, the better. Also, it looks for your case to make complaints right away instead of waiting until the last possible moment.

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