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Why I Started Blogging

I have been blogging now for three years. I really enjoy it. I love to write and get my thoughts out there. I love it when people comment back because I know they are reading it.

I started blogging during a hard point in my life. My boyfriend of three years had just broken up with me. It was hard to take. I knew we were having issues but I never thought he was ready to break up.

Tip: Find blogs within your niche and comment on their posts. If you use Google Reader, try maintaining a separate folder within it to utilize for keeping up with other blogs that you want to follow.

I decided to start a blog just to have a place to write about what I was feeling. I never thought it would gain a lot of readers or even make me money. I would usually blog once a week to start.

The more I poured out my heart, the more people started to read it and comment. I heard from a lot of people that they had gone through the same thing. I got a lot of encouragement.

Tip: When publishing a blog, consider buying a unique domain name, instead of using a free generic one. It does not cost very much to do so, and you will convey a more professional image.

Before long I was writing guest posts and making money from sponsors. It was great. I am about to go to my first blogging conference. I am a little nervous about it but very excited.

I hope I can keep blogging and grow to earn a full-time income. Right now I work for an advertising agency but would love to be able to quit my job and just be a blogger. It would be like a dream come true for me.

Tip: Do not let blogging completely take over your life. Not allowing yourself a break now and then can result in burnout and fatigue.

A lot of people ask me why I started blogging and what I like about it. I usually tell them that I started blogging to begin the healing process but I enjoy blogging because it helps me meet other people. It helps them realize they are not alone.

From blogging I have been able to meet so many other bloggers who have gone through what I have. One of my friends had been with her boyfriend for six years. I can't even imagine that. She thought they were going to get married.

Tip: When writing a blog post, strive to provide information that will really intrigue your readers. Everyone has certain activities and chores that they do each day.

I really believe writing things out is the best way to heal when you go through something like a breakup. You can really get your feelings out and it makes you feel better. I know it works that way for me.

These days I spend a lot of time on it. I try to write 3-4 posts a week. Sometimes it is a lot of work. I want to keep at it because I really think I am helping people. If I just stopped blogging people would notice.

Tip: Don't let your posts become long and rambly. Get right to the point.

Sometimes I like to go to the library and write. Other times I just do it at home. I go where I feel I will be able to write. That is different depending on my mood.

If I had not started my blog I would have just written in my journal. I would have been able to heal but I would not have had the encouragement of others. That is why I am so thankful I started the blog.

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