Knowhow-Now Article

There are many people that stay in unhappy relationships simply because they prefer to be unhappy to being alone. That may sound like nonsense because unhappiness is caused either way. However, if you’re someone that has never really learned how to live with yourself, being alone in the world can be the worse of the two evils. You should know that with a bit of work on your part, you can remove yourself from an unhappy or unhealthy relationship and live quite happily on your own.

First of all, take a good look at the relationship you’re in and why you’re staying. If you don’t look forward to spending time with your partner, and dread the thought of having sex, you should definitely start to prepare yourself for leaving this relationship. Just be sure that your  relationship cannot be salvaged and that it’s not helping you to grow. When you’re positive of this, it’s time to take the first step in gaining your independence.

Find some excuses to spend some time alone away from your partner. Go on a short holiday alone where you’ll be making your own arrangements for everything and get a feel for what a truly single person’s life is like. What you want to do is give yourself a chance to understand that silence and being alone aren’t bad things.
If you’re not working, you need to find a job that will provide your financial independence. Nothing is worse than being financially independent on someone that you don’t really want to be with. That just gives you another way to stay trapped in a relationship that makes you unhappy. So locate a job, or a better job if you’re working at one that won’t successfully support you, and start making yourself independent.

When you’re settled with a secure income, it’s time to start looking around for a place to live. Even if the place you’re living with your partner is yours, you may want to consider moving away yourself so that you can have a fresh start. However, it may be more beneficial to make your partner leave when the time comes.
If you’ve been keeping your distance from friends, it’s time to start revving up those friendships again. You’re going to want your friends around you when you finally make the move. It’s these friends that will keep you from being completely alone once you’re single again. It’s also these friends that will be trying to fix you up with various friends of theirs.

When you have everything in place and you feel that you’re ready, sit your partner down and explain that the relationship is just not working for you anymore. Your partner may even surprise you by agreeing with you. Most of the time, when one partner isn’t happy the other one isn’t, either.

Now, it’s time for you to begin your new life; the one you never thought you would be able to live. Get acquainted with yourself. You’ll be surprised at how good your company is. Being alone isn’t a bad thing at all. It just may take some getting used to.

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