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Getting through the Holidays Newly Single

A lot of relationships end close to or around holiday seasons. One of the most difficult times to be newly single seems to be winter holidays because everything is centered on togetherness, joy, and giving. It’s a bit difficult to put on a happy face for all of that when you’re alone and miserable. However, you can take a bit of comfort in knowing that you’re not the only person that’s going through that, and there are some ways that you can make it through the holidays with minimal pain. You may actually end up getting a bit of holiday cheer of your own.

Something to remember is that no matter how badly you feel, there’s always someone else that’s going through something worse. Nothing makes it more evident just how bad things are economically than during the holidays. Of course, you’ll still see plenty of people spending tons of money shopping and houses all over sporting decorations, but there are still just as many people, if not more, that aren’t able to do that. Some people have no homes at all.
If you can focus on helping people in that position, it will take your mind off of your break up, at least for a little while. There are soup kitchens all over the place that you can volunteer to help in. If you have no one to buy gifts for, buy some children’s gifts and donate them to whatever organization handles that in your area. It’s amazing at how much your misery will fade when you’re helping someone that’s worse off than you are.

Another thing to consider is the fact that you’ve probably got some friends that are also alone on the holidays. Open your home to them. Plan a nice dinner and invite them. Do some holiday shopping and put gifts for each person you’ve invited under your tree. These gifts don’t have to be extravagant unless you just have the money to make them so. They can be small, inexpensive and yet, meaningful. It’s totally up to you how you handle that part. The important thing is to make the day happy and warm. In this way, none of you have to spend it alone. Plus, just the work involved in arranging something like this will take your mind off of how sad you are.

Invite other single friends to go on a trip with you that will get all of you out of town and into a festive area where no one knows you. There are lots of places that have specials during the holiday season to encourage people to visit their establishments. Some even arrange to have special holiday activities that you can take part in. This can be a lot of fun especially if you make talking about your breakup off limits. You could have stayed at home and done that  and save the money. Make this a fun getaway for all of you.

No matter what you decide to do during the holidays following a breakup, make it something that is going to cheer you up and make you feel better about your life. Don’t allow your grief to overwhelm you. Take charge of your life and improve the way you feel. The holidays can actually do that if you let them.

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