Knowhow-Now Article

How to Survive Freelance Article Writing

By Span Glers

Who is asking if there is tough competition insofar as freelance article writing is concerned? That shouldn’t even be asked because it is a hard fact. These days, article writers are a dime a dozen. There are a whole lot of self-proclaimed writers; even high school and college undergrads can eke a living through online writing. If you are a serious and a well-oiled writer, how do you stay afloat or survive competition?

Challenging Times For Freelance Article Writers

The Internet has created a great multitude of opportunities to writers and those aspiring to be writers. With the number of websites and each needing fresh contents regularly, the search for multiple writers is on. In particular, the preferred writers are those who have the uncanny ability to simplify the content because the readers can be anyone from high school students to any avid learner.

In simple words, this means simple words and sentences are preferred because these invite readership. In which case, even high school and college undergrads, so long as they have the drive and interest to write, can be a writer. This is a great opportunity for struggling students and young professionals to find a way of supporting themselves, but this is bad news for well-oiled and professional writers because this spells competition.

Thus, website owners and webmasters are also having a tough time looking for professional writers. The number of bad apples has increased fast. Nevertheless, quality rules; eventually mediocre writers are weeded out. They cannot last doing a job they are not passionate about. Sooner or later, dedicated webmasters will find serious writers with whom they can forge a lasting working relationship.

Staying Strong and Surviving the Challenge

If you are among the passionate writers who have to compete with so-so writers who are just out for a few bucks, how do you beat the odds, survive competition and outlast them in freelance article writing?

• Focus on self-improvement. What serious writers need to do is pay less attention to competition. They need to focus on getting better in their craft and to continue learning the many facets of writing. Writers never stop learning and reading. Voracious reading makes good writers great writers.

• Most accidental writers are not in it for the long haul. Non-writers will soon get tired of writing and give up. They will never aim to get better like you. They will quit as soon as they realize that stringing words and turning out quality articles is so damn hard.

• Giving clients a good experience matters. If you are good and your client is happy with what you are doing, your relationship can grow narrowing the chance of other accidental writers insofar as your client is concerned. Happy clients will seek you out despite competition. So leave your mark or brand of quality work, your clients will grow in number.

• Unreliable writers are short-lived in the freelance business. With writers a dime a dozen, why would clients continue depending on unreliable writers who deliver poor quality of work or who miss deadlines all the time?

• Keep working on your skills and talent. If you innately love to write, getting the experience and honing your skills and talents will not be difficult. Experience and talents count in the world of writing.

• Create and develop your own website. Not only will you be able to showcase your experience, skills and talents, it can also render credibility to you as a writer. It is like having a writer’s portfolio that any prospective client can see and assess anytime and whenever they need a writer they can trust.

• Widen your horizon, but go for specialization. It is easier to build a brand with specialization. This can be the lucrative aspect of writing. But, it is easier to find more clients when you can write almost anything.

Despite competition in the field of freelance article writing, there is no need to feel intimidated. There is always a room for another talented and serious writer in the world of freelance writing.

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