Browse Articles By Tag: Happy
Everyone who is successful has been through rough patches. They achieved their goals because they knew that giving up is not an option when you are bent on discovering the secrets on how to be successful in life. Check these success tips!
04.02.2016 · From Andrew_Facebook
Genuine happiness is not about being able to buy the latest gadgets, buying fine clothes and jewelry, and having many material things that money can buy. True happiness must be felt within. You need to love yourself first to learn how to be successful and happy.
04.09.2015 · From TheAuthor
If you are someone who is struggling mentally and physically with the day to day grind of a busy life, continue reading to learn how you can reach a level of enlightenment that you have never experienced before.
16.02.2015 · From TheAuthor
Learn how Desire is the motive-power behind all action, processes and events.
25.09.2012 · From alayalewis
Most of us get up each day and go through the same routine whatever we do in life – most of us are reasonably happy and content and just get on with living.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
Learn how to live with joy.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
I have met many people in my life who are very negative. They moan about seemingly everything and walk around with the weight of the world on their shoulders. I was also like that until the age of twenty-two, at this age I decided to have a new approach to life.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
To give happiness is considered a virtue. Please try and make others happy, say the thinkers.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
Is it really possible to attain a lifetime of happiness or is this just some dumb dream that we all have from time to time – well I can’t promise you a lifetime of happiness each and every day of your life – JUST MOST DAYS.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
I like to be around positive people, people who tend to be happy, who look on the bright side of life. Far too many people walk around in what seems like a depressed state. Come on people, it costs nothing to smile.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
There is a wonderful, mystical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind- are always attained by giving them to someone else.”
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
Nature is one of the greatest sources of happiness to all living beings. The secret of happiness is being near nature. Nature is free and abundant. It is available to all regardless of one's race, nationality, religion, and sex. Nature is happiness.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
We all have the potential for happiness and deserve to be happy. In fact, everything we do is directed to this goal, yet happiness seems elusive. Genuine happiness has nothing to do with appearance, fame or fortune. The good news, is that we can make it happen.
24.06.2012 · From alayalewis
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