Browse Articles By Tag: healing
Alternative. It is a word that has come to have negative connotations with the general public. Quite simply it means to do things or live outside of mainstream thinking. Why this is not good is unclear. We have been accustomed to doing everything a certain way. (...)
12.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Yoga is not the yummy dairy dessert that is often mixed with fruit and it is not just that funny exercise where your body is contorted into funny positions. To best understand the concepts of yoga, one should start with a simple definition. (...)
12.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Herbal medicine and natural health herbs have been used for centuries. Many are still used for the same ailments they once were and some have been researched to cure multiple needs. Some people think that this methodology is new to the medical world but anyone who...
10.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
If you are looking for a vacation packed full of excitement, fast food, loud noises and parties until the wee hours of the morning then a holistic health retreat would not be for you. However, if you are need of a spiritual enlightenment, foods from nature, silence...
09.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
"What’s so great about all this alternative medicine talk?" "Why is it any different than going to the doctor, taking some pills, and feeling better?" "Who decided that it should be different?" "I’m not getting involved with all this hippie medicine stuff. (...)
08.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Garlic, chamomile, honey, and rosemary are not necessarily grocery items for just your kitchen pantry but also for your health care list. Natural healing has become popular again. Again, because it is not new and many of these products have been in use for centuries...
08.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
History Of Aromatherapy Use At its simplest, folks have been using aromatherapy for thousands of years. Some well known examples include: • The Egyptians, who used all sorts of aromatic and fragrant compounds in the process of "embalming," which although it...
04.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Oriental medicine conjures images of a scene from a movie where the star is stricken by a malady that only the old wise man in the hills can cure. The old wise man mashes a few herbs mixed with oil and a once in a lifetime cure is created just in the nick of time. (...)
03.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
“It is just as easy to go to my general practitioner and get a prescription”; “Why deal with ancient forms of medicine when I can get something modern?” These statements may be of some people’s thought but there is something to be said about a form of...
03.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Reiki. No, it is not a new-age food, dance, or even a disorder. Reiki is an up and coming method of alternative healing. Okay, but what is it all about? Well, it does not involve drugs, a trip to the doctor, or a prescription. (...)
03.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
You did everything right. Made sure your kid had a healthy, natural balanced diet. Plenty of sleep. Yoga classes on Thursdays. All the right nutritional supplements. And still she got sick. Relax. It's part of the normal process as a child. (...)
01.10.2012 · From TheAuthor
Have you ever thought something magic was happening in your life - that if you only knew how it worked, you could get more of these great magic things happening? Charles M. Bristol thought so - and wrote a book about it. (...)
23.09.2012 · From alayalewis
Love is the one thing that can always be used to effect positive change. Love is the universal element that can be used in any situation, either on a personal or national level, where healing is needed. (...)
24.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
True romance is locked in your heart, ready to be unleashed. The keys to unlock it are in this article.
24.06.2012 · From TheAuthor
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