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Why Is Reiki Popular In Natural Medicine?

Reiki. No, it is not a new-age food, dance, or even a disorder. Reiki is an up and coming method of alternative healing. Okay, but what is it all about? Well, it does not involve drugs, a trip to the doctor, or a prescription. It takes an open mind and a desire to explore new methods of healing.

A Bit Of History

To understand why Reiki is so popular among patients, it would be best to get an understanding of where this newfound method came from. Newfound in the way of medical methods, that is. In 1922, Usui Mikao came down from the mountains of Japan after an extensive stay to fast and meditate. He arrived with a newfound spiritual understanding that would allow him to heal the body without medicine. He would be able to heal with the power of touch. He would go on to develop and teach over 2000 students this method of healing.

How Does It All Work?

What does a Reiki session involve? No you do not need to fast for an extensive time to reap the benefits of this wonder miracle.

First, a patient is asked to wear loose clothing and to lie down on a table that is similar to a massage table. Next, the master of Reiki would take a few moments to get into that frame of mind by use of meditation. During the session, patient and practitioner do not have unnecessary conversations in order to maintain a level of relaxation and meditation. Both parties should try channeling this energy to maximize benefits. The master then would touch the patient in a variety of places that would include the head, neck, torso (front and back), legs, and feet. The hands would stay in that position for 3-5 minutes. This allows for healing energy to pass from the master to the patient.

Some masters of Reiki can pass this energy without full touch by holding their hands a few inches away from the patient. Some believe that a specific problem area should be mentioned so that the master can concentrate their healing energy on that area. However, many believe that the power of Reiki healing is so strong that the body will be drawn to the energy and point out the areas of pain, as if this form of alternative healing has intelligence.

Who and Why?

Who would want to try this form of alternative healing?

Certainly the skeptic would not truly benefit from all that can be achieved from this healing touch method. Both patient and master must channel so the energy can be released and received. Someone who believes in tapping into the part of the brain that is not skewed by everyday influences and can go to that place will be able to receive the energy. A patient who is suffering a debilitating disease, such as cancer, has reported such relief of pain from such treatments. Someone who has chosen to fight this horrible disease with modern miracle drugs, such as chemo therapy combined with radiation has riddled their body with poisons to try to kill off all the bad cells. This therapy also zaps their body of healing energy that will aid them in the natural fight of the disease. The stress of life, the disease, and the hopeful cure is not helping with the fight.

Treatments with a Reiki master will help restore that energy and will allow the body to work with the modern day treatments. The patient will lay on the table, exhausted but hopeful. The master will set the scene of serenity and the patient will forget, for a few moments, all that they have and will endure. The master taps into an inner energy and places their healing hands on the patient. There is no conversation of needles, hospital stays, or prognosis. The room takes on a positive energy and the patient receives this touch from head to toe and the body absorbs all the positive and is able to let go of some negative. After the Reiki treatment, the patient goes home more relaxed, energized, and ready to keep up the fight of life.

Reiki is becoming more popular in the Western hemisphere and many people are more accepting of this and other forms of alternative medicine to help them fight ailments and try to improve their everyday health.

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