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Healing Properties Of Most Used Natural Health Herbs

Herbal medicine and natural health herbs have been used for centuries. Many are still used for the same ailments they once were and some have been researched to cure multiple needs. Some people think that this methodology is new to the medical world but anyone who has had a mustard compress or strong bark tea from their grandmother can testify that these remedies are time honored. However, further research and information is readily available and it is truly amazing how some of these plants and herbs can be used to treat common ailments and helps reduce the risk of modern day killers, such has high blood pressure.

While some herbs can be used informally, such as cooking, teas, or in a daily supplement, there are others that require a trained specialist to distribute or else these herbs can be harmful. Many herbalists grow their own herbs so they can insure the quality and the lack of pesticides used.

Natural Healing Herb Methodology

There are different schools of thought when it comes to herbs. Some follow the Native American traditions of herbal medicine while others follow the traditional Chinese methods. Some use a method that bridges the eastern and western types of herbalist studies. Some herbalists that are trained in both eastern and western healing and medicine have tried to deconstruct ancient medical texts to get a true understanding and apply it to modern science. The yin-yang balance comes into play with the balance of pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant properties.

Eclectic medicine bridged the European and the Native American traditions using physiomedicalism. Cherokee medicine divides herbs into foods, toxins, or medicines. They use seven plants in disease treatments which defines the spiritual and the physiological aspects of each.

In India, Vata, Pitta, or Kapha is balanced by using complex formulas that have 30 or more ingredients and many of these have undergone alchemical processing. This form of medicine is called Ayurvedic.

Modern theories of herbal combination include the triune formula. This was developed by William LeSassier. He combined the Pythagorean imagery with Chinese medicine ideas. This resulted in 9 herb formulas that drained, supplemented, or neutrally nourished the main organ systems and three associated systems.

Administration Of The Herbs

Natural health herbs are used in a variety of ways to deliver their effectiveness. Some are used topically in the form of an oil, lotion, compress, or poultice. There are certain herbs taken every day as a daily supplement pill that will help build up the body’s natural defense of certain invaders. And some come as an elixir or syrup and help heal on contact when digested. No matter the choice of herb, it is important to check with a professional to insure the proper usage and dosage of the herb. Not all Natural health herbs are good for each and every patient.

So Many Natural Herbs To Choose From

There are so many health herbs to choose from and each with its own healing properties. There are many herbs and they are classified with a scientific name and a common name. Using the common name makes more sense from a consumer’s point of view and can be cross referenced at any time. A few natural herbs to consider are:

• Yarrow – This herb needs to be ingested quickly to help with poisoning
• Garlic – Is used for seasoning Italian cooking but also is an antibiotic and may improve cardiovascular health
• Echinacea – Also known as the purple coneflower, is used to reduce the length of the common cold
• Horehound- Used historically by many grandmothers and native American women as an expectorant
• Chamomile – Found in many marketed teas as a relaxant
• Peppermint – Helps not only with bad breath but also with those irritable bowels
• St. John’s Wort –Aides with mild depression
• Catnip – Drives your cat crazy and helps with the nagging cough
• Passion-flower – Makes for great dreams by helping with insomnia
• Pokeweed – Topically it cures acne and internally helps with tonsillitis
• Poppy seeds – Tastes great on lemon poppy seed muffins but also relieves pain and helps you sleep
• Comfrey – Has been known to stop infections and mend broken bones

This is just the tip of the plant when it comes to herbs and their wonderful uses. However, before someone goes diving in to the patch it is always best to consult a professional to help guide you to the most effective natural health herb, the dosage needed, and the way it should be taken.

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