Knowhow-Now Article

Is Alternative Health Just For Alternative Living?

Alternative. It is a word that has come to have negative connotations with the general public. Quite simply it means to do things or live outside of mainstream thinking. Why this is not good is unclear. We have been accustomed to doing everything a certain way. This is also true of the way we handle our health. If we are sick, we go right to the doctor and get a prescription, fill it, and feel better.

This way of thinking goes with the instant gratification lifestyle we have become used to. However, this way is not without its side effects. Too many pharmaceuticals leads to toxic levels in our bodies, too many trans and saturated fats from fast food leads to a boatload of health issues, and leading a rushed lifestyle can lead to a mental breakdown. What does all this mean for the "average" person? Does someone have to completely change the way they live? Wait, does this mean that someone has to change their partner, move to a "green" housing situation, and give up shaving? To put it simply….no.

Baby Steps

Every great move comes with small steps. It has been proven that a successful change does not happen when someone takes a radical approach. For example, when someone wants to loose weight they vow never to eat a chocolate bar, exercise for an hour every day, and only eat vegetables. This change lasts for a month, maybe. Why? Because our bodies and minds have lived for one way for a long time and to ask it to undergo a change so quickly is impossible for it to cope. It took many years for your body to adapt to the present unhealthy lifestyle, so only expect it to take time to adjust to a newer healthy lifestyle.

Where Does One Start?

Okay, you have decided that you want to get healthy and take in the benefits of alternative healing. Great, now where to begin? Well, alternative healing is comprised of diet, exercise, and forms of alternative healing arts. These may include herbal, spiritual health, and mental health. Some examples of alternative healing arts would be acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic healing. Some arts help heal the body and others focus on maintaining the body's balance. Once decided what your true needs are then it would be easier to pick a form of alternative healing art that is right for you. It may take a few trials before finding the one, but that is a part of alternative health; finding what your body needs and finding the remedy or remedies that will help it.


This does not mean throwing out all of your sugary treats, only eating grass, and never enjoying a glass of wine. It is finding the healthy alternative to fit those needs. When it comes to food, it is a good policy to eat the most unprocessed variety of that food. Natural sugars like honey will ease that sugar craving and red wine has been linked to having beneficial properties. Poking through a local farm stand or farmer’s market does wonders for healthy food choices and is relaxing. It is a great source of local goods and a great place to network this new lifestyle that you hope to be a part of. Knowing the food triangle and eating in balance will help you start this new path.

Exercise Does The Whole Body Good

No need to go financially broke with new gym memberships or equipment. Just lace up your tennis shoes and open the door. Taking a step towards an alternative healthy lifestyle can start that simply. Exercise improves both physical and mental health. If you sit and think of some of the best times of childhood, then they probably incorporate playing with your mates in the neighborhood or local playground. You didn't buy expensive equipment; you just simply ran and played. Going for a stroll alone or with a friend can improve your inner and outer being. This is a great time to chat, look at your surroundings, or pop on some earphones and listen to relaxation music or maybe a motivational speaker.

Alternative Health Art

As mentioned above, there are a variety of alternative health art forms to discover. If you ache or suffer from back and neck pain then visiting a chiropractor may benefit you greatly. These practitioners focus on your whole health by zoning in on those problem areas. When trying to cure an ailment or need a supplement in your diet, then visiting with an educated herbalist may do the trick. They can advise the best forms of herbs and plants that will bring your health up.

As you can see, it is the simple changes that we make in our everyday life that allows us to ease into the path of alternative health. It is good to remember that alternative does not mean radical.

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