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Some Commonly Used Natural Healing Products

Garlic, chamomile, honey, and rosemary are not necessarily grocery items for just your kitchen pantry but also for your health care list. Natural healing has become popular again. Again, because it is not new and many of these products have been in use for centuries but they were replaced by manmade products that claimed to do a better job (that also cost a lot more money). There are a variety of products on the market that relate with natural healing and living. One could research and find products that would fit every aspect of their life. However, one area of the market that seems to be flooded is health care or beauty care products.

Beautiful On The Outside

Beauty is not only skin deep but it is the first thing that people see. It is very important to take care of your skin and to take care of what you put on it. Skin is the largest organ of your body. It is a virtual sponge to your body and whatever it comes in contact with (either intentionally or not), will be absorbed to some level through your skin. This is why people turn to natural products.

Natural skincare products are made by using ingredients derived from nature. Herbs, essential oils, flowers, and roots are combined with naturally occurring carrier agents, emulsifiers, and preservatives (such as oils and pure water). Many people have taken to creating their own line of products using these natural compounds. What are some commonly used and sold natural healing products that aid skin? A few include:

• Chamomile – Not only found in tea to help relax the inside of you but also used topically will aid with anti-inflammatory issues. Many soaps and facial creams have added this beneficial plant of nature
• Honey – Yummy in tea, oatmeal or just plain out of the jar. This little bee miracle also is a natural antioxidant. It has anti-microbial properties that have the ability to absorb and retain moisture. It also protects the skin from the damage of the sun and helps rejuvenate depleted skin.
• Shea butter – This is a staple in African pharmacology because of its potent healing abilities. It is derived from the kernel of the Karite tree, also known as the "Tree of Life." When it is used as pure as possible, this wonder provides healing for such skin ailments as eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis
• Jojoba – This plant’s oil is compared with that of the natural sebum of the whale. It is a natural moisturizer and helps to soften the skin
• Aloe – Found in many after-burn treatments, this natural beauty aid has been around for centuries. It is written that Cleopatra used it in her beauty regimen. There are over 300 varieties of this plant but only a few are used to make healing products. Aloe is used for burns, scratches, and other abrasions.

Beauty On The Inside

Because beauty is not skin deep, one has to be sure to take care of the inside too. Illness and disease can be determined by looking at a patient’s skin tone, rashes, and texture. Many things can be taken to cure certain ailments, but adding a few herbs to your diet can do your body wonders. There are many forms of natural healing products that people can choose from. There are pills made from natural healing products or teas, or simply adding the correct herb to a cooking regimen will benefit greatly. Some of the most common found herbs include:

• Garlic – Yummy garlic is used in many types of cooking, especially Italian. It adds flavor to sauces and cheeses, but can also be purchased in pill form to be taken daily. Garlic has been known to help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol
• Artichoke – This makes a great dip but it also has been known to reduce production level of cholesterol
• Soy – Many people have added soy drinks to their diets and this is because soy contains estrogen and will help retain these vital levels especially during menopause
• Cranberry – Not only for turkey dinners, but also as an everyday supplement for aiding in urinary tract health

There are so many more choices on the market and so much research that one can do to see for themselves the benefits of such products. Adding one or more natural healing products to your life can reap great health benfits.

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