Knowhow-Now Article

Dog Training Schools – Foolproof Choices

Okay the time has come. The puppy you have cherished for the past few months is ready to go to school. Where do you send him/her? Which establishment can be trusted? You want a school sensitive to your puppy’s needs as he/she begins the long and arduous task of learning to interpret you English commands and hand signals. However you also want a school that will respect your needs as the owner. Does such a place exist? What dog training school is right for you?

Tip: While it is possible to train many types of dogs together, depending on their personality, it may be impossible if you have two dogs. If your dogs fight or goof off instead of paying attention, it may be wise to do a bit of one-on-one training before training them together.

How do you make the decision? What research do you do? Well to start of the internet is of course always a great resource. The American Kennel Club is very well respected and has a list of good dog training schools in most states. Of course I am sure you also have friends with dogs that can give recommendations, but of course you wonder, will what was right for them be right for you and your precious little bundle of fur?

Tip: Give your dog a lot of affection. You have to give him positive reinforcement when he's good.

Of course there are also other things to take into account. What do you want the school to teach? Do you just want and obedience school or do you want one that teaches tracking, herding, retrieving? What is most important to you? How much of a star do you want your little guy to be?

From the many dog training school to pick from I am sure there is one that will fit your needs, as there is probably one for just about everything you could imagine out there. It will just take some long deliberation to decide what is best for both you and your puppy.

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