Knowhow-Now Article


We have all felt it, seen it and lived inner and outer conflict. Everywhere we see conflict in the world between peoples, ethnic groups, religions, and countries, down to conflicts between neighbors, friends, work associates and colleagues. Conflict is draining our resources and preventing us from solving problems of poverty, global warm and the environment. At a personal level it is giving us sleepless nights, creating enormous stress, affecting our physical health and casting a shadow over relationships. Instead of creating and enjoying, we are often finding ourselves wrapped up in seemingly unsolvable conflict and bad feelings.

I have seen the need to deepen our understanding and skills in dealing with conflicts. Fortunately, over the past decades many people have turned their attention to how to solve the problem of conflict. A new field of Conflict studies has arisen. I have been fortunate to have been able to study conflict and resolving differences through mediation with some of the best people in the field at the Canadian Institute of Conflict Resolution, in Ottawa, Canada’s national capital.

One of the key processes in formal conflict resolution is mediation. Its aim is to create an effective process for reaching an agreement between parties in conflict either on a personal or professional level.

The role of the mediator is a neutral third party who guides a process of dialogue and negotiation as well as establishes an atmosphere of respect, support and dignity.

Mediation has been used successfully as an alternative to litigation. It is a voluntary and confidential procedure in which the parties own the process as well as the outcome.

When is it useful?

When there are issues and strong emotional elements involved between parties.

When the parties know each other.

When one party feels uncomfortable meeting the other side alone.

When the parties live or work together.

When a decision must be reached soon.

When the parties doubt their ability to work out the problem.

When people around them are affected.

When one or both parties want to avoid formal proceedings.

How does it work?

We talk!

We meet!

We mediate!

First we talk in person, over the phone or email. If together we believe mediation is advisable, then everyone included are contacted.

Second, individual meetings with each party involved are conducted usually for about 30 minutes. It is an opportunity for each party to explain their experiences, needs and hopes. The mediation process will then be explained as well as the role of the mediator as a third, neutral party.

Third, we begin the mediation. A first meeting may be 2 hours or more. A second meeting is usually necessary to continue the process and start looking at the outcomes and finally we usually meet a third time for finalize. Verbal or written agreements are then completed.


Tree Flower Essences are natural remedies that bring great support via the light of their resonance for those struggling to resolve both inner and outer conflict. When we learn to witness our emotions, and use tree flower remedies, new understandings about our conflicts will arise. We can clear old wounds and open our hearts. This is part of a natural healing process that will support those involved in mediation and dealing with strong conflicts with co-workers, friends, family or others…

Because the issue of Conflict is so important, we have created an tree flower essence called the Conflict Resolution Essence to bring energy healing, resolution and awareness.

I wish all my readers both inner peace and outer peace.

Celine Cloutier (aka Ma Sunder Gulabo)

Email: [email protected]

Gulabo is co-creator of Canadian Forest Tree Essences ( and works with individuals focusing on their inner growth and consciousness through essences and mediation.

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