Knowhow-Now Article

To Pay Or Not To Pay; Download IPhone Music

With the release of the new iphone new users will be left with the daunting task of choosing where to download iphone music. There are literally hundreds of sites online that offer services that are compatible with the new iphone. Since, there are so many places to download iphone music, it is important for users to be able to distinguish the legitimate sites from the bogus websites.

Tip: There is a great iPhone app which is free and it's call Find My iPhone. This app is great for anyone who misplaces the phone or loses it and it will show up on a map.

One way to narrow down the choices is to decide between paid or unpaid sites. There are positive and negatives to both therefore it is best to carefully weigh each option before making a final decision.

Tip: When surfing the web on the iPhone, you do not need to add ".com" to web addresses.

After spending quite a bit of money on the new iphone many users might want to opt for a site that doesn’t charge users to download iphone music. There are literally hundreds of sites online that allow users to download as much music as they like without spending a dime. While is may seem like a good idea it can be risky because it is technically illegal and you could be caught and given a hefty fine.

Tip: The icons that are displayed on the bottom screen of your iPhone can be changed when you listen to music. Just tap 'settings' and then choose to 'add more icons'.

Furthermore, free sites can sometimes result in downloading more than just music. Virus can often be downloaded with the music from free sites because there is no one making sure the free website is maintained and safe for users to download iphone music. Many people will quickly realize that their phones are far too expensive to risk exposing them to sites that may end up crippling the phone with viruses or spyware.

Pay Sites For Every Budget

Tip: Word shortcuts can be set on your iPhone. From the "settings" menu, go to "general, then to "keyboard", and from there to "add new shortcut.

While it can get expensive, a safer option for downloading music would be using a paid site. Despite what many people think, iTunes is not the only paid download site out there. There are sites similar to iTunes where you can download iphone music for less that a dollar a song. Plus the added security and maintenance that is done on paid sites will put users at ease because they know they aren’t downloading anything but music!

There are two ways paid sites work, the user either pays per song that is downloaded or the user can pay a flat fee for unlimited downloads. Paying per song is a good option for users that don’t plan on downloading a library of songs – otherwise it would become quite expensive. Users that plan on downloading a lot of music to their iphones will probably want to look into sites that offer unlimited downloads for a flat fee. Both Napster and Rhapsody offer monthly memberships for as little as $14 dollars a month.

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