Knowhow-Now Article

Training Your Dog To Use A Leash And Collar

There are many different techniques you can use to train your dog, and it is important to find one that works for you and your family in order to have the most loyal and well-behaved pet possible. All successful styles of dog training emphasize the bond between dog and owner, and the basis of a successful training program is earning the dog’s respect. It is fortunate that dogs are innately programmed to submit to a leader, it allows them to follow commands and make training easier.

Tip: If you're traveling with dogs, remember to have everything that your pet may need in terms of sleeping as well as when it comes to using the bathroom. Items like food and water bowls, bathroom bags and paper towels are important in having a very relaxing ride.

This article will discuss one of the more common types of dog training –leash/collar training. Other articles will examine other common dog-training techniques, known as reward training or positive reinforcement.

Tip: To keep your dog going digging through trash, then keep him fed well and surrounded by toys. Avoid letting your trash build up, and don't fill it with tantalizing scraps that might catch your dog's attention.

Both the leash/collar styles of dog training and reward-based dog training have been proven to be effective methods of dog training over time. The method of training that is most effective is dependent on the dog’s breed and his temperament. Each dog has its own personality, which is emphasized even further by many years of selective breeding.

Tip: Training two different dogs at the same time can be quite difficult. Dogs have the tendency to distract each other.

The personalities of individual dogs can be very different, even within the same breed. It is up to you, as the owner, to determine which method of training will work best for your dog, so it is important to work with the trainer in order to attain your goal of an eager, well-trained and friendly dog.

Tip: The commands you expect your dog to learn should be consistent across all the members of your household. If you dog barks loudly and you tell him to "be quiet" but your kids say "stop barking" your dog will be confused.

Leash/collar training is the best way to fulfill many factions of dog training, especially in circumstances where the dog must be very dependable. For example, certain working dogs, such as police dogs, rescue dogs or guard dogs, tend to gain from leash and collar training.

Tip: Be careful not to reward bad behaviors without realizing it. This means don't give your dog treats or attention for something he should not be doing.

In leash/collar training, different levels of force can be used, varying from light modifications with the lead to firmer corrections. The level of correction used should be relative to the situation, as too much correction, or not enough, can prove unproductive.

Tip: Senior dogs do have some limits. You can certainly teach an old dog new tricks, but remember that it may not take 100 percent, no matter how hard you try.

In a leash/collar emphasized dog-training program, the dog is first taught a desired behavior on the leash. Once the dog seems to understand the command, the leash is then used to modify incorrect behaviors. The leash is used as the main form of control and communication with the dog in this form of training.

Tip: For dogs that bark unnecessarily, do not shout at your dog. Shouting to counteract barking can actually be a positive reinforcement for dogs, since they do not understand that you are not reacting at their barking.

With leash/collar training, the dog must learn to trust the handler and follow commands without any hesitation. The dog is considered fully trained when the handler is able to show that the dog will follow a command even if he does not want to. While this does not mean using brute force, it will likely necessitate some physical handling. This type of handling is most effectively completed by use of the leash.

Tip: Dog training should always be positive and encouraging. Give your dog a reward, especially when he learns a new skill or learns to refrain from doing something bad.

Anyone attempting to train his or her dog should understand that the leash is merely a device. While the leash is necessary for this style of dog training, it is important for the dog trainer to strive for the same results using whatever gear are nearby.

No matter what device the owner uses for training, such as the owner’s body and voice, the dog should be eager to comply. Building a trusting relationship between owner and dog is vital, and it is important that the leash is used as a tool rather than a crutch. A properly trained dog should be eager to obey with or without a leash.

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