Browse Articles By Tag: chakras
What Does The Heart Chakra Do? People enjoy life to the fullest when having a meal with people they love. Couples spend their date over a plate of food, mothers bake cookies for their children, for s...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
Why Chakra Balancing Is Important Most of us have been programmed to take prescribed drugs every time we are sick. Whether if it's a major illness or a seasonal flu, the mere idea of getting sick sen...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
What Is A Chakra Chart For? Doing the things you want to do can be pretty difficult nowadays. With all the physical demands both from work and family, one might have a hard time finding time for one’...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
What Can Chakra Stones Do For Me? Even before the discovery of medicine, stones and crystals were always used as remedies for different illnesses. Many believe that vibrations within the stone allow ...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
What Can Chakra Jewelry Do For Me? While perhaps not as appealing as certain other kinds of jewelry, this Indian ornament is quikly making itself known to the world market. Made from gemstones, chakr...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
What Can A Chakra Test Do? If you’re interested in practicing chakra, a chakra test is the first thing you must accomplish. It usually is a tool used to get people interested in chakra since the resu...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
What Are Chakra Colors? What Are The Different Chakra Colors? What Chakra Colors Represent Has anyone ever told you that you have a good aura? Has anyone noticed an aura radiating from you? Has a str...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
Is Chakra Meditation Advantageous? This somewhat crazy way of life makes us concentrate on everything  else except what we really need. The constant struggle between work-life balance is an issue tha...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
How Can Chakra Cleansing Help Me Alleviating stress is one’s goal after a hectic day at work. Regardless of what job you have, stress is an unavoidable condition or effect on us that has the tendency...
01.01.1970 · From Editor
How Can Chakra Healing Help Me We have long been educated that for one to stay healthy we must ensure the body is getting the nutrition it needs, but chakra healing feels that it is not only the body...
01.01.1970 · From Editor