Knowhow-Now Article

How Can Chakra Healing Help Me

We have long been educated that for one to stay healthy we must ensure the body is getting the nutrition it needs, but chakra healing feels that it is not only the body that needs nutrition, but mind and spirit as well. Every one of us possesses seven major chakra points in our bodies, with each point representing specific body parts.  The balance of these seven wheels of energy is what makes a person healthy, this is what chakra healing does. 


When we experience a heart problem, for example, instincts are to run to the nearest clinic and ask the doctor for advice.  Chances are, the doctor will prescribe you with medications and advice you to change your eating habits, this is standard protocol and is something we all know.  This type of treatment takes care of the physical aspect of well being, but as some of us know in order for us to be truly healthy, it is the mind, body and spirit that we must cure.  Even if you are a firm believer in modern medicine, taking care of one aspect with the expectance of a full recovery just doesn't make sense, does it?  

Chakra healing specialists make sure that all three portions of the problem are taken in to account.  During a chakra healing consultation, you will be asked both health and personal questions in order to determine the affected chakras of your current state.  Questions regarding relationships and past experiences are usually the focal point of the exercise. 


 Through the questions a chakra specialist will know what chakra to focus on, but more significantly, a specialist will ask for your help by healing your relationships as well.   Family heartaches or social insecurities could be some of the problems uncovered, but it is up to you on how you handle these challenges once they are made known to you.  It might sound all too mushy to you but the truth is, these are things that will definitely improve our well being if taken in to heart.  This is what a chakra healing specialist would call, unblocking ones chakra. 

Modern medicine is surely an effective way to handle your illnesses, but don't forget to take into consideration the two other aspects of the problem to have a complete recovery of mind body and soul.

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