Knowhow-Now Article

Why Chakra Balancing Is Important

Most of us have been programmed to take prescribed drugs every time we are sick. Whether if it's a major illness or a seasonal flu, the mere idea of getting sick sends one running to the nearest pharmacy for a quick fix. Regardless of the severity of the sickness, people get into this panic-prevention mode where they are willing to down almost anything.   People have gone too accustomed to medical treatment for whatever illness for physical relief, not really thinking that the illness goes beyond the physical level, affecting both the mental and spiritual as well.  Some believe that most ailments are caused not only by physical frailty but by mental and spiritual incapacity as well, and that the key to good health is maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit.


Enter Chakra Balancing.
Chakra balancing is the ancient art of aligning the energy points in your body, making sure that each point is just as strong as the other.  A chakra point that is too strong or weak will lead to an imbalance and can disrupt the flow of energy to the body.  For a clearer understanding, chakras are seven major energy points throughout your body that regulate the flow of energy to and from the body.   The chakra philosophy states that in order to be truly healthy, all seven chakras in the body must be balanced, thus decreasing the chances of getting sick.


What causes chakra imbalance then?
One of the main reasons for chakra imbalance are the negative experiences we have in life.  Being an everyday part of life these negative instances affect the overall chakra balance.  For example, if you see an old friend the least you could do is catch-up, the problem is all he has for you is bad news.  This decent act is enough to drain you off some of your energy and will disrupt your chakra balance.
So the next time you experience physical discomfort, before grabbing a pill and treating just your physical portion, why not try chakra balancing for a more holistic approach to treating yourself.

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