Knowhow-Now Article

What Is A Chakra Chart For?

Doing the things you want to do can be pretty difficult nowadays. With all the physical demands both from work and family, one might have a hard time finding time for one’s self.   We have the tendency to abuse ourselves.  Since energy is the main cause of the lack of time, a good way of increasing this is by allotting time for meditation.
Fortunately, allotting just a few minutes of your time on a weekly basis can be enough to strengthen your mind body and spirit by practicing chakra.


Chakra is an ancient philosophy that believes that energy flows everywhere and that we are receptors to this energy.  Chakra which means “spinning wheel” in Sanskrit, are vortex like energy points that whirl in a circular motion creating a vacuum in the center drawing in all types of energy.   Along the midline of the body lie these energy points, each are connected to different body parts and are able to heal these parts by opening or closing energy points. 


Illnesses are a result of an unbalanced chakra, chakras that have to be balanced depend on what part of the body is affected.  One way to find out which chakra must be balanced is through meditation, once the specific chakra is found, a chakra chart can help you balance and revitalize the specific chakra.


Chakra charts are detailed information guides about the seven major chakras, the colors for each, their location, function, their corresponding body parts and their images.   This is utilized by chakra healers during healing sessions or by chakra believers when looking for ways to balance their chakra.   Patients are informed what to do and what not to do, depending on the circumstances, using this useful visual aid.  Certain foods might be disallowed, exposure to certain climates might not be advised, depending on the current status of your chakras.


Chakra charts are not the only tool that you can use for guidance, taking a chakra test will also aid you in balancing the chakras.  Chakra charts can be confusing due to the number of details and considerations per chakra.  It is best that you visit a chakra specialist for a more comprehensive assessment of your chakras.

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