Knowhow-Now Article

What Can Chakra Jewelry Do For Me?

While perhaps not as appealing as certain other kinds of jewelry, this Indian ornament is quikly making itself known to the world market. Made from gemstones, chakra jewelry is not only for beautification purposes but also has healing elements.   Specific stones have direct influences on the different types of chakras within and having these stones against your body can have medicinal effects.


But what is it about these gemstones that make it so special? But how do these stones really impact our health and our lives?  Let us take a deeper look in to Chakra so that we may unveil what is it that gives these gemstones their power.


The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “turning wheel.” Chakra means “wheel” or “turning wheel” in Sanskrit.  It is a concept referring to wheel like vortices present within our body, with each spinning vortex corresponding to a specific chakra. These wheels are like spinning vortexes inside our body and each vortex are directly linked to different parts of the human body.   Known to some as energy points, these points are what dictate how energy travels around our body and promote wellness for specific body parts.  


Seven major chakra points run along the midline of our body, directly affecting corresponding body parts , locations of each chakra are: the base of the spine, navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and the crown.  Each chakra point must be well balanced in order to maximize the flow and intake of energy, which is what the gemstones on chakra jewelry are responsible for.  Wearing these stones on the body help promote or suppress specific chakras, knowing what to do with each chakra is key. When certain gemstones are in contact with our body, they can trigger the corresponding chakra to either open or close, but knowing what to trigger is important.


Wearing chakra jewelry can be viewed as if taking vitamins, not everybody needs it but everybody can benefit from it.  Similar to taking vitamins, not everyone needs chakra jewelry, but those who wear it will benefit from its powers.  Like many traditional beliefs, the willingness to accept and have faith on this old school way of promoting well being depends on you. 

It might not look as elegant as other kinds of jewelry we are accustomed to but the reason behind wearing this is what makes it extra special.  With each chakra jewelry stone corresponding to the specific chakras from within, wearing this can aid us to promote over-all health and well being.

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