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Every advertising campaign of a brand calls for maximum attention from customers to create an interest on their mind so that they develop a desire to buy that product and finally take to action i.e. buy it. Summed up as the AIDA theory of advertising, every advertiser ensures an effectively deploys his brand promotion campaign through this theory. Though we are already familiar of this theory on the context of conventional mediums of advertising such a television, print or outdoor, for online or digital media, implementing the overall ad campaign by deploying AIDA theory has few variants that are briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.

You have ample options of conveying your brand message through digital media. You can choose from a range of online advertising practices such as Banner advertising, viral marketing, PPC ads, Social Media Advertising. The only concern is to frame your ad message in an interesting manner so that it easily grasps the attention of customers. The more interactive or interesting your ad looks, easier for you to attract your customers’ attention, so, give your best shots while framing the advertising message of your brand.

Any interesting brand message creates interest on customers’ mind. They would be curious to know the details about the brand even if they are not ready to buy or adopt it for the time being. If the brand message sounds irresistible, it will further create a desire or likeness to buy and take it home. Therefore, it’s all upto you, your advertising techniques particularly the final message you convey about your brand- its attractive features or benefits or any striking deal related with it. When a brand message sounds too striking or fascinating, customers are ready to take to action.

Deploying AIDA theory of brand promotion through online advertising has one added advantage. Online ads are mostly interactive. Besides, the rising trend of digital media has made it possible for various brand owners to bridge the communication gap with their potential customers. Anyone who knows how to surf internet can go through the brand message. This global feature of online advertising is yet another asset of launching a promotion campaign through digital media. Social media advertising has also become another raging practice amongst modern brand owners. Most of the brand owners can now communicate directly with their target customers without any mediator between them. All in all, Online Advertising media is poised to grow further in the future.

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