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Fleas are an important problem that all pet owners will have to deal with. Anybody who has a pet has most likely dealt with the unnerving job of having to rid their pet of fleas, a battle that has often proved to be harder than it looks.

Fleas are not merely an issue because they bother and precipitate hours of frustrating scratching for the dog, but they might also lead to other major concerns such as flea allergies, tapeworm infestations and anemia in extreme instances.

As a result of their amazing resilience, fleas are terribly problematic to manage. A female flea can lay in excess of 2,000 eggs over the course of her life, which implies that an infection could appear briskly and the eggs that were laid may subsist for quite a few months in the natural environment while just waiting on a suitable target. That's why it is imperative to eradicate both the fleas on your dog in addition to the fleas living in the dog's living space. The ideal places to search for fleas include rugs, bed linens, carpeting and sand.

How to Get Rid of Fleas

In order to successfully eradicate fleas on your canine and in his or her environment, it is imperative to be familiar with the life span of the flea. There are four phases that form the life cycle of the flea. Akin to most insects, the fleas commences from the egg phase, develops into larva, and then progresses into the pupa phase before finally getting to the adult stage.

The Flea's Egg Phase

The eggs of the flea are white in color and are so minute that they are hard to find without using a magnifying glass. Although the eggs are originally laid on the canine's skin, many will eventually drop onto the ground to go on with their trek to adulthood. About half of the overall flea count consists of eggs. Dependant upon the environmental conditions, the eggs hatch in somewhere between two to four weeks. The higher the warmth and moistness in the living area, the faster the eggs will hatch.

The Flea Larvae Stage

After the flea egg hatches, it goes into the larva phase where it flourishes to almost 1/4 inch in length. The flea larva subsist on organic waste matter and on the feces of the adult flea. They're uncomfortable in vivid light and are likely to disappear deep inside their current surroundings, preferably in a hot and muggy area. Climate controlled houses are the best habitat for the lifecycle of the flea to thrive. Outdoors, larval growth will only happen in damp, sheltered spots.

The Flea Pupa Phase

After going into the pupae stage, the flea pupae form a velvety and gummy protective layer. This chrysalis quickly structures a useful hiding place as it gets sheltered by debris and grime. If aroused by heat, carbon dioxide or by manual influence, such as in a hot and damp habitat, an adult flea can emerge from the chrysalis in as little as five to ten days. Once the adult flea emerges from its cocoon, it could live for just a few days if it is unable to feed. Pre-emerged adult fleas may continue to exist in the cocoon for as many as 9 months. This is significant for the reason that adult fleas that still exist within the cocoon are resistant to insecticides spread over the environment and can appear a significant time after you apply insecticides in your home.

The Flea Adult Stage

As soon as the adult flea comes out from its shell, it will want to quickly locate a host since it requires blood if it is to live on. Two days after discovering a suitable host, the female flea will commence to laying in the vicinity of forty eggs every day. Adult fleas usually survive as long as three weeks. The whole life cycle of a flea may possibly be brought to a close in as short as 2 to 4 weeks, or up to ten months contingent upon environmental conditions.

Treating A Dog For Fleas

There are numerous sprays, powders, shampoos and spot on preparations available to free your dog of fleas. Be certain to talk with a vet to choose the truly effective and trustworthy flea insecticides for your residence and pet.

Methods For Clearing the Inside Environment of Fleas

Most products are simply of use against the adult flea, but environmental insecticides are becoming more sophisticated. Your vet can give you flea insecticides that have insect growth regulators which will help eradicate the flea eggs and larvae. Prior to spreading any environmental insecticide, it's a good idea vacuum your carpeting and rugs to persuade the pre-adult fleas to surface from their protective cocoon. Be sure to toss out the vacuum bag afterwards. You ought to also wash the bedding your pet has lied on.

Methods For Clearing the Outside Surroundings of Fleas

Focus on dim, shady areas. Spray a product containing an insect growth regulator and repeat it every 14-21 days for three to five treatments.

The latest skin and oral flea preventatives will vastly help you resolve your flea problems. With dedication and patience, you and your pet should be flea free in a jiffy!

To learn more about getting rid of dog fleas and safe and effective natural remedies of flea control, visit

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