Knowhow-Now Article

Even before we delve into creating a catchy, astonishing and zingy email, is to understand the importance of doing so.

Without a catchy, creative email you’re not going to convert your emails to sales, referrals or website visits. Without a catchy, creative email, you’re not going to lure in new customers or encourage potential subscribers to opt-in. (As a reminder, it is a best practice to offer a sample email to potential subscribers before they sign up.)

Before fashioning a fantastic email, there are some tidbits to consider.

Just writing something that is cute or provocative isn’t enough. Words aren’t enough. Even proper grammar isn’t enough.

What you need is a full spectrum analysis of developing emails that are primarily effective and then catchy. Writing these types of emails isn’t always easy, but we’ll make sure it is for you.


There are some very basic questions to ask before sketching out your emails.

  • Who is this email directed to?

  • Is your email a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C)?

  • What do you know about your subscribers, generally (habits or clicks)?

  • What sort of information have you collected from your online sign-up forms?

  • What are your subscribers’ preferences (sales, coupons or news)?


Further, what is the overall tone, feel and atmosphere of your company?

For example, Brooks’ Brothers is very high-end clothing retailer and has e a more professional tone, where Tom’s of Maine, a natural personal hygiene company, is more laid-back and friendly.

Further, the ultimate example of company tone translating into publicity is Ben & Jerry’s. From just scanning the ice cream aisle at your local grocer gives you a snapshot of the feel and tone of their company.

Truly, it doesn’t matter what your work atmosphere is or the type of products you sell: represent who you are clearly and succinctly to your customers.

Being catchy doesn’t necessarily mean off-the-cuff or informal; being catchy is the way in which you draft your email marketing campaigns and the way that you portray your company to the consumer.

A Catchy Email Example

The Bad Sales Pitch Email


We’re just lettin’ our best customers know about our latest sales opportunity.

Click on the link and y’all will be swept away to our product lines.

The Great Sales Pitch Email


How’ve you been? Love to you and your family.

We’re running a special on our top products and wanted to clang the bell about them since you’re one of our dedicated and best customers.

Since we know you love our all natural goods, we’re putting our best products on sale including your favorites: boots, buckles, spurs and harnesses.

Check it out! And, heck, send it to a friend. If you do, we’ll give you an additional 20% off your purchase.

As you know, y’all can always give us a ring or send us an email. We’ll always get back to you. Doesn’t matter whether the crows are cawing or the chickens are hollering, we’re there for you.

The Analysis
Though this email chain seems to be bit extreme, it proves our point: knowing each and every subscriber along with reiterating the tone of your company, creates sales.

Further, if you noticed in the “Great Sales Pitch,” there wasn’t any mention of the customers’ “next purchase.” This is a deliberate tactic that assumes a next purchase rather than asking for one.


About: is a leading provider of interactive marketing software and services for organizations worldwide. SimplyCast's all-in-one solution helps users automate email, survey, event, SMS, fax, Twitter and autoresponder marketing needs to effectively reach customers on their preferred mode of communication.

For more information about SimplyCast's email marketing solution, including our free 750 contact-based plan, visit or call 1.877.312.4979.

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