Knowhow-Now Article


As we’ve covered in Part 1 of our series, in Part 2, we’re really getting into the nitty-gritty about how to figure out what software is the best for your needs.

As always, we include best practices because, come one, we, above all else, want you to succeed in whatever you do. That’s just the way we are.

Criteria #5: What kind of support is available?

Every respectable email marketing software company boasts a thorough support staff for both customer and technical support. However, how effective are they?

  • Is there a customer or technical service telephone number?

  • Do you have to send an email to a generic email account?

  • Is there instant messaging (IM) support on their website?

  • Do you have to register a “ticket” on their website and wait for the Internet to magically answer your question?

The best email marketing software companies offer numerous ways to contact them if there is ever a problem and do so, quickly and efficiently.

Once you’re connected to a customer service representative, are they knowledgeable and helpful?

Usually, these companies have a thorough FAQ section that answers the most common questions. If there isn’t a complete or helpful FAQ section, then that is a definite red flag. That means, sadly, that the company hasn’t tracked nor distilled their FAQs down and made it accessible to users,

Another aspect to consider is the response time. How fast are you talking with support staff?

Is there considerable lag time with an email question? Or do you have to go through a labyrinthine automated system to finally talk to a person? As for IM support, are you chatting with an actual living, breathing person or an automated service?

Best Practice
As you already know from your business, customer service and technical support makes or breaks anyone. Find an email marketing software company that is there when you’re stressed and on the verge of meltdown, offering relevant and helpful information. Ensure that the support staff is calm, cool, collected and knowledgeable. Ensure that the support staff truly knows their products.

Criteria #6: Are there analytical tools included?

As we’ve said repeatedly in our blogs, possibly the very best practice for any marketing strategy is to test.

How do you test? Where do you even begin?

Easiest way to do so is based off any data collected through your marketing channels.

So, before signing your life away to an email marketing software company, find out whether they offer built-in and complimentary analytic tools for you to monitor your campaigns.

Analytical tools are, really, basic to any email marketing software systems. How much you understand how effective your campaigns are.

Best Practices
Run like the wind away from any software companies doesn’t offer any analytic tools. Look for companies that offer comprehensive and easy to use analytic tools. Ensure that these tools are easy to understand and digest.

We’re going to quickly include the rest of the critical criteria for figuring out what type of email marketing software is best for you. Are these any less important than what we’ve already talked about? Oh, no. Not at all!

Criteria #7: Are you able to add additional features?

Down the road, can you add, say autoresponders, SMS, survey or event management? How about widgets or social media?

Criteria #8: Terms of service

Are the terms of service clear? Are you signed up for life? Are there any penalties for canceling your account?

The Bottom Line

Most companies offer trial periods. So, our suggestion is to take your email list and divide amongst your top 3 software choices and sign up for a trial period. Typically, trial periods range from 30 to 90 days before committing.

During this trial period, ask:

  • How easy is it to use?

  • How easy is it to set-up?

  • Which has the best customer support?

  • Which service has the highest open rate, click thru rate and subscriber action?

  • Which had the best overall customer rate?

About: is a leading provider of interactive marketing software and services for organizations worldwide. SimplyCast's all-in-one solution helps users automate email, survey, event, SMS, fax, Twitter and autoresponder marketing needs to effectively reach customers on their preferred mode of communication.

For more information about SimplyCast's email marketing solution, including our free 750 contact-based plan, visit or call 1.877.312.4979 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1.877.312.4979 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

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