Knowhow-Now Article

Signs That You’re Ready To Have A Relationship

You have probably had a lot of fun being single. It was great being able to hit all the bars you wanted and stay out as late as you wanted to with anyone you chose. You also got to do all of these things without having to answer to anyone else because, hey, you were single. However, if you’re starting to think of these things in the past tense, you may be moving into that phase of life where you’re ready to have a steady relationship and settle down. That’s just one of the signs that you may be ready. For more signs, keep reading:

You realize that you’re starting to put out coasters on your end tables and coffee table. Condensation rings on your furniture has never worried you before.

If you have a pet of some sort, you start calling it “baby” when you talk to it.

Qualities of a dream lover have changed. Now, you really want a home owner to love.

When you make your holiday or birthday wish list, most of the things on it can be found at Bed, Bath and Beyond.

Spending at least $10 a month for batteries used in your “ever ready boyfriend” is just starting to annoy you.

When your friend threw a fabulous birthday bash, you passed on it because you wanted to stay home, wrap up in a warm fuzzy bathrobe, and curl up with a good book.

You’re starting to sleep on one side of the bed instead of in the middle.

You get turned on by browsing through Crate and Barrel catalogs.

Your plants are actually thriving.

The only kisses you’ve received in at least a month comes from your pets or relatives.

There are matching sets of glasses in your kitchen that aren’t for booze only.

Suddenly, you can whip your apartment into shape in about 5 minutes when your mother calls to say she’s on her way over.

When you’re invited to a friend’s house, you no longer only bring dip and chips.

You’re on a first name basis with your dry cleaner.

Going to weddings thrills you.

Your savings account actually has MONEY in it.

You now find babies to be adorable and you love holding them.

The art and pictures adorning your walls at home are nicely framed.

You start to look at china patterns more seriously.

If you’ve never had much interest in cooking before, suddenly you start to collect cookbooks and sign up for cooking classes.

You think in terms of two when mentally redecorating your bedroom.

Obviously, there are many more signs that you’re ready to stop being a party girl and start looking around for a more stable mate. However, if you’ve noticed any or all of these things becoming a part of your life, you’re definitely on the road to landing that long term and stable relationship. You probably have already started changing the types of men you target. That’s because now you’re looking for a possible husband instead of just a one night stand.

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