Knowhow-Now Article

5 Mobile Marketing Tips To Gain New Customers

Mobile marketing is a fairly new form of online marketing, but more and more business owners are incorporating it into their marketing plans. There are many ways that you can use this relatively new form of marketing to work in your favor. This article will give you the start you need to build on to become a mobile marketing success.

Your e-mails and text messages will need to be entirely mobile device friendly. Everyone's PC tablet and smartphone works differently, has a different sized display screen and a different operating browser. Before sending out any messages, make sure you ask a few friends or employees to test out the usability of what you are sending out. It is imperative that you keep images, files and links to a bare minimum. There is individual Internet usually running on these devices, but it isn't as efficient as the Internet running on a laptop.

Tip: The fastest growing category with mobile browsers and mobile apps are social networking websites. So business must accept social networking and go where the people are.

Go out there and collect some information from your customers! Ask them what they want to hear about and what is of utmost interest to them. It is important that you tailor your mobile marketing emails to fit the needs of your customers. The best way to hit the nail right is to flat out ask them. Consider doing a poll or create one day where everyone can comment on your social media profile to let them know what interests them. Use what you learn from different customers to come up with marketing messages that is geared towards their wants and needs.

Don't sound like a telemarketer when sending out messages to your customers. It is important that your customers feel that you are providing them with valuable insider information. If you just pump out text messages and e-mails that have no substance or value, people will unsubscribe or stop dealing with your company altogether. Provide people with links to new items, deals or items they may find useful based on past purchases.

Tip: Remember in your mobile marketing campaign that you are reaching out to customers as individuals more than as large groups. Mobile marketing is personal.

Text messaging is another great way to gain exposure. Consider sending out an email and telling your customers if they sign up for your text messaging news, they can receive insider news, promotions and discounts. People love to feel like they're a VIP in your company. Before signing anyone up for this form of mobile marketing, make sure that you have their full consent. Make opting out of receiving text messages a simple task. Tell customers to text back "STOP" if they wish to opt out.

If you have taken the time and have started down the path of social media marketing as well, there is no reason not to join mobile marketing with it. Email your customers and let them know of your different company profiles on various social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. You will gain a wider range of followers and expand your company's influence on different marketing platforms online.

The tips you have read here today are just some of the numerous ways you can start with mobile marketing. There is no truly right or wrong way to market online, but with a little help, you can be working in the right direction.

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