Knowhow-Now Article

50. Yoga For Children – It’s Not Just For Adults

Why would someone consider paying someone to help their child get exercise? Once upon a time, exercise was the same word used for playing. Children would open their door, head outside and would not show up until dinner time. Games would be played with other children that would involve running, jumping, laughing, and even positive conflict.

However, the world is a different place. It is now filled with fear, anxieties, and other forms of stress. Terms like ADD and ADHD have become standard when describing children. Obesity has risen in children causing an onslaught of childhood disease and general unhealthiness. What is the answer to it all? Perhaps yoga could be the right path for your child.

What Is Yoga?

Many people have their own ideas of what yoga is and all that it involves.
Yoga is a group of Indian spiritual practices that aims at achieving the union with the Supreme Consciousness. There are some yogas that go beyond that and aim at the spiritual transformation of the human nature and obtaining immortality. The Western Hemisphere embraces the physical aspects together with the practice of asanas more than anything (asanas are postures of Hatha Yoga). This is often used as a form of exercise that is good for the body but easy on its joints.

Why Choose Yoga?

What could yoga do for a person? How could they benefit? Well, at its physical level, yoga has been proven extremely beneficial for certain disorders. Further reasons to try this form of alternative health therapy would be:

• Increasing Flexibility – yoga acts on many of the joints of the body. It goes beyond the norm to include those that are not commonly exercised but need to be for achieve full mobility
• Increasing lubrication of the joints, ligaments, and tendons – The positions practiced also work the ligaments and tendons that help release the necessary lubrication to prevent injury. Natural lubrication is essential to joint and body health and an increase in it is even more beneficial, particularly for a sedentary society of children.
• Organ health – Yoga massages all the organs and stimulates a strong circulatory systems and ample blood supply. These help fight against disease.
• Awareness – Yoga gives children of all ages an introduction to self-awareness and awareness of the self in relation to the earth and to others.
• Complete Detoxification – Multitudinous toxins can accumulate in even the very young. These come from all manner of dietary, medicinal, and environmental pollutants and substances. The increase in circulation and ample blood supplied by yoga practice enhances the detoxification and excretion process, making for healthier, toxin-free children who have more energy and feel better.
• Toning – Yoga is an excellent source of toning for young muscle groups. It works to build muscles, strengthen, and enhance flexibility as it works to correct the problems of inactivity

Is Yoga Really For Children?

The benefits mentioned are for everyone who incorporates yoga into their lives. There are benefits that are specifically designed for children. Some of these benefits include:

• Self-control – The simple breathing and biofeedback techniques that are used slow the nervous system allowing children to develop a sense of self-control and allowing them to connect with their feelings.
• Concentration – The poses and sequences used help release physical and emotional energy that help children concentrate and helps them test better in the learning atmosphere
• Skills – The games and tools used help develop trust, compassion, communication, and teamwork skills
• Relaxation – Storytelling, mental imagery, and music help promote a sense of calmness that allows the imagination to flow
• Wellness – Lessons learned help develop healthy habits around food, exercise, electronic media, and other choices that can affect decisions

When it comes to the children, one should take all aspects into consideration. The children are truly our future and their overall happiness matters for the proper balance of health. When a child is sick then the parent will take them to the doctor, have the necessary prescriptions filled, and follow the doctor’s orders. However, overall health is not just about avoiding illness but the fine balance of physical, mental, social, and emotional wellness, such that yoga can provide.

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