Knowhow-Now Article

7 SMS Marketing Techniques To Learn About

Fittingly enough, SMS stands for Short Message Service and is a way in which millions of people communicate every day, via texting on their internet mobile devices. SMS is also a great way to advertise if you haven't tried it before. With a little bit of useful information and a will to put some tips into practice, you could build your business using SMS tactics.

When you're sending someone a text, you have to remember that this block of content is going to be rather small and very easy to read. That means it's also going to be very easy to overlook or forget. So when you're taking the time to send it, make sure that you're being personal in order to draw the reader's attention.

Tip: Sending a reminder message about an upcoming sale or release of a new product is an excellent way to get your customers excited about what is going on. Try to send the reminder a couple of hours ahead of time.

One of the best types of messages to send via SMS is a discount notice. If your customer is just walking through the mall and checking his or her phone after it beeps, make sure that they're seeing a great offer coming from your end. Give them a reason to stop in their tracks and to think about shopping with your business. Make your deals too good to pass up.

Not that every mobile user out there is wrapped up in news and current events, but a current event does play to the social context of mobile marketing. Using current events to help promote your text messages will ensure that they're relevant and that they make sense to the recipient.

Tip: Make sure your customers know their business is appreciated. Give them special offers, discounts based on hallmark goals or even a simple thank you note.

Yeah, you won't be able to fit a lot of keywords or long-tail phrases into an SMS properly, but you can still use keywords and different buzz words in order to market to a much larger audience (it doesn't have to be a direct text) and to really stand out in the reader's mind.

The shorter your SMS is, the better it is for everyone involved. It's going to be a lot easier to write, meaning that you can easily make up more of them and perhaps even send a different message to every subscriber you have. And it also means that the reader can receive and check out the text in its entirely in only a few seconds. It's convenient for everyone involved.

Tip: Make unsubscribing to your mobile ad simple and easy to improve your image with the customer. As difficult as it may be to make unsubscribing easy, your recipients will view you as a reasonable and worthy merchant whom they can trust.

Although you do work hard on these messages and attempt to keep them as non-intrusive as possible, a reader still might get tired of receiving them. If this happens, don't risk any brand damage by keeping them locked in. Allow them to easily opt out if they no longer wish to receive messages from you.

Whether you want your customers to click a link, sign up for a contest, or just pass the message along, most of your SMS texts should definitely suggest to the reader that they need to take some sort of action.

When you're sending texts directly to your customers, you're staying in constant communication with them and are thus helping to build trust. But this only happens if you do things the right way. Follow the tips above and use SMS methods correctly.

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