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About The Natural Healing Arts

To understand natural healing arts, one must understand what natural healing is. Natural healing also is known as alternative healing. This is best defined as any form of medical healing that does not fall under the same realm as modern medicine. Many of these forms of natural healing are used in combination with modern medical practices. Alternative healing can fall under religious, spiritual, or metaphysical practices. There are a variety of natural healing arts and each has their own historical background and may be a derivative of another form, a branching off if you will.

Just To Name A Few

There are truly a vast amount of natural healing arts to discover. A small sampling would include:

• Ayurveda – This is an ancient Hindu system of care and is native to India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It is gaining popularity in the west. The word roughly translates to knowledge of life. Life is defined as the combination of the sense organs, body, mind and soul, which are the factors responsible for protecting against decay and death. This sustains the body over time and guides the processes of rebirth. This natural health art is concerned with measures to protect the body with healthy living, along with therapeutic tactics that relate to physical, mental, spiritual, and social harmony.
• Chiropractic – This has gained more popularity in the west. This focuses on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Also the effects these disorders have on the functions of the nervous system and the general health of the patient. This is achieved by manual therapy including spinal adjustment and other joint or soft-tissue manipulation.
• Naturopathy – Also known as natural medicine comes under a bit of doubt with the modern world of practitioners. This is a complimentary and alternative medice that focuses on the body’s ability to heal itself. This practice may include the use of abstinence, colonic irrigation, counseling, diet, exercise, hydrotherapy, environmental medicine, manual therapy, and relaxation. This is only naming a few practices that are used with this natural healing art form. Practitioners of this art do not like to use invasive surgery or synthetic drugs. They prefer natural remedies that comprise of unprocessed medications such as herbs and foods.
• Osteopathy – This focuses on the musculoskeletal system, both in health and in disease. It emphasizes the holistic approach and a range of manual and physical treatments. Practitioners look at problems relating to back or neck pain and use an array of techniques of manual treatment of the musculoskeletal system. This is combined with dietary, postural, occupational advice. This may include counseling to help a patient recover from illness or pain or at least minimize pain due to disease.
• Chinese Medicine – This is a form of alternative medicine in most of the world and is commonly referred to as TCM. Massage, herbal medicine, and acupuncture are used in the diagnosis and treatments of a variety of ailments. The theories of TCM are derived from sources including Yin-yang, the Five Phases, Zang Fu organ theory, the human body Channel system, and many others. A few practices may include things like: acupuncture, Chinese food therapy, Tui na (massage therapy), Qigong (breathing and meditation exercise), Feng shui (mental health therapy), Chinese martial arts, and many more. Many of these treatments and practices are time honored and have been proven successful in a wide range of ages and cultures.

Consider Energizing

By this, it does not mean to find your nearest battery pack. Energy medicine is one of many domains of complimentary and alternative medicine, which is a form of the natural healing arts. Opinions differ on philosophy, approach, and origin. Given energy or explained energy is sometimes called putative energy. Sometimes spiritual energy or veritable energy is explained by putative energy. For example, someone’s aura is equal to electromagnetism. Types of veritable energy medicine may include: magnetic therapy and light therapy. Cymatic therapy uses sound waves. Putative energy therapy include: acupuncture, qi gong, homeopathy, therapeutic touch, and distant healing.

The natural healing arts combine a variety of philosophies, theories, and forms of healing. Many are from countries abroad but the west has adopted some of these arts or at least certain aspects of them. Some of these natural healing arts are used in combination with modern medicinal practices to achieve top healing capabilities. Doing some research will allow a person to find a path that is right for them.

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