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Alternative Medicine And Natural Healing: Focus On Nutrition

One aspect of alternative medicine that is not commonly thought of when it comes to natural healing is nutrition. The makeup of what you eat can greatly affect your health, mental state, and well-being. Most people know this already, but we continue our diet of Cheetos and soda because it's easier, more available, and just plain doesn't take as long to make. But what is the cost of the convenience diet? How much of our illness and disease can be avoided simply by eating better? And what is better, for that matter?

Whole Foods Vs. Processed Foods

Pretty much all the experts agree: the more your food is processed, the worse it is for you. Processing means all the steps in between when something is picked off the tree or the vine, and ends up on your plate to eat. For example: a corn on the cob can be picked, put straight into a pot of boiling water, and eaten in just a matter of minutes. A nutritious snack. On the other hand, the same corn on the cob can also be picked, the kernels stripped off, soaked for a while, then mechanically and chemically refined—and you get corn oil. Less healthy.

Why is processing bad for you? Not all processing is bad—some methods can be helpful, such as peeling a potato. It's just that many of the nutrients that your body needs to be healthy can end up getting lost in the processing process: deep frying, pasteurizing, and so on. The alternative is a whole foods diet, or one that includes things like organic vegetables, fruits, meats, and wild caught fish. These kinds of food will supply your body with the nutrients it really needs to replenish itself daily.

"Super Size Me": A Reality?

The 2004 movie detailing what happened to one man who restricted himself to a McDonald's only diet highlighted what happens when we only eat junk food. Liver damage and 25 extra pounds were just two of the unpleasant side effects experienced by Morgan Spurlock, the movie's guinea pig. Although few (if any) people are eating as much Mickey D's as he did, the question is how much of today's common ailments can be linked to poor diet.

Obesity is a sweeping epidemic in the United States, according to the U.S. Surgeon General, to say nothing of cancer, diabetes, and even heart disease. Although there is no cure-all for any one of these diseases, they have been linked numerous times to diets high in things like hamburgers, fried foods, sodas, and so on—all the highly processed foods.

What Does A Natural Food Diet Look Like?

You don't have to starve yourself to be healthy. In fact, though the word "diet" has come to mean "losing weight" in modern culture, a natural foods diet is just one that consists of largely unprocessed food.

A sample natural food day might look as follows:

Natural cereal with fresh whole milk (not homogenized)
Organic orange juice

Whole wheat pita bread stuffed with grilled chicken
Apple or other fresh, organic fruit

Shrimp salad with fresh green lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers (all organic, of course)
Glass of red wine

And lots and lots of water!

Nutrition experts recommend a really simple way to tell if you're drinking enough water is to check the color of your urine (not terribly attractive, but nonetheless effective). It should be clear and odorless. If it's yellow, amber, or has a strong scent, it's time to have a glass.

Of course the above list isn't meant as all-inclusive, it's just to give you ideas to show that a nutritious, natural diet doesn't have to be all nuts and berries.

Nutritional Supplements: What Are They?

A final thing to consider when looking at nutrition in a natural health diet is the use of supplements. Supplements are aimed at making up for a lack in a particular nutrient or vitamin in a person's diet. They may come in a variety of forms: pill, powder, or liquid. Because of the complex nature of supplements, the best course of action to take is to consult a nutrition expert to see if you need them with your current diet. It's also a good idea to run it by your doctor if you intend to take supplements, to make sure there will be no unwanted side effects with any other medication you may be taking.

And with that, happy eating!

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