Knowhow-Now Article

Circumstances Beyond Your Control

Being happy is easy when life is going well; but what about when circumstances spin out of control and bad things happen one right after another.

We all have times when we feel that we just can’t get out from under the storm clouds. How do people stay happy during the tough times?

It’s been said time and time again that when the going gets tough the tough get going, but some people don’t find that at all easy to do.

Positive attitudes can help, but knowing that there is a higher power that controls the chess pieces of our lives lets us know that this hard time is only a bump in the road and will soon pass.

This deep acceptance of faith is called joy; and hard times simply can’t compete with pure joy.

We may not understand why bad things happen to good people, but we know that they do and always will. Bad things happen to bad people too, just as good things happen to good people.

It’s just the way it is. If we can simply understand that we can’t know certain things on this side of life, which will help us get through life here.

Try to look at everything as part of God’s plan and as a positive experience; find joy in the simple pleasures in life and don’t let the circumstances of the day (or week) get you down!

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