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Comprehending What Eating Disorders Are

What are eating disorders? For some time now, this belongs to the common questions that many people are searching the right answers for. Many are baffled why this kind of disorder happens. Even though eating is a part of the basic needs of man, eating can result to a disorder.

What are eating disorders? Eating disorders are best observed as abnormal eating habits that may result to either excessive or inadequate food intake directly affecting one's health. This pertains to a mental state that can have severe repercussions on both the psychological and physical health. It is important to note that eating disorders are complicated and are still being actively pursued to be more completely understood.

According to some studies, eating disorders are commonly developed during teenage years and early adulthood. The incidence is also higher among females than males. Based on the recent studies, however, these disorders are starting to appear on the early stages of childhood that eventually progress as they mature.

Eating disorders are also linked to individuals with psychiatric conditions that may be triggered by drug abuse, drug addiction, depression, and anxiety. In some cases, eating disorders can cause minor health to more serious health problems such as kidney failure, heart problems and even death.

There are three types of eating disorders that can be manifested by any random individuals, these are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders.

• Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is described as an abnormal eating habit where one restrict food intake because of inappropriate fear of gaining weight. This is also related to the feeling of an altered body self-perception. It is common to occur during high school years and early adulthood. Most people who suffer from this condition are those people who belong to popular groups or the ones who are bullied in a group or society.

Eventually, restriction of the food intake can become a bad habit that can result to hormonal and metabolic disorders. Take into consideration that people who suffer from anorexia nervosa are those individuals who do not really lose their appetites but only perceive the nonexistent problem that consumption of food can gain weight.

• Bulimia Nervosa

People with bulimia nervosa are those who excessively eat and purge. In this case, the person binges or consumes a lot of food and then tries to eliminate the food deliberately by taking laxatives, by means of vomiting, or doing excessive exercise.

According to studies, people who experience bulimia nervosa are highly preoccupied by their body image and their weight issues. This is something that they can successfully keep to themselves, manage to maintain their weight and hide their problem from people close to them. However, if this condition is prolonged, it can cause nutritional imbalance and lead to fatal heath problems.

• Binge Eating Disorders

This kind of eating problem entails excessive eating during or in between regular meals. The majority of people that are affected by this kind of condition are those who are obese, although, there are some individuals who suffer from binge eating disorder who are not overweight. Emotional factor is the number one cause of binge eating disorder. This is triggered by stress, depression, sadness, guilt and other emotional imbalances. Thus, people with this condition are unaware of their over-eating.

Eating disorders are prevalent in this generation because people get to see images of sexy icons unabashedly flaunting their bodies everywhere as if it is the norm. In fact, many celebrities have openly admitted that they’re anorexic or bulimic. Karen Carpenter died of cardiac arrest due to anorexia. Paula Abdul battled bulimia. Tara Reid suffered from anorexia and even Lady Gaga was a bulimic before she became famous. The line that separates a healthy perception of right and wrong eating can be very thin. Thus, it is important to understand what eating disorders are.

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