Knowhow-Now Article

Do Mobile Marketing Like The Pros Do

The need for mobile marketing to be a part of your overall marketing is growing just as rapidly as the use of mobile devices is in their popularity and market segment. To make sure that you do not miss out on this burgeoning front, read on for the principles of mobile marketing that you need to be aware of.

Make sure that you promote your mobile media campaign. It is not enough to have one, you need to make sure that the word is getting out about it. Your first thought might be to have a mobile media campaign about your mobile media campaign, but that gets redundant. Instead spread the word through traditional methods, as mobile marketing should be included in your overall promotional efforts, but not your only medium through which you advertise.

Tip: You should do your best to send personalized and targeted messages. Different groups of people are not going to be interested in the same products, and you will need to address people in different ways.

Make sure that your promotions are intriguing and attention getting, but you have to do it quick. When a mobile media user is going through the content on their screen, you have maybe two seconds to grab their attention before they swipe away your message and go on to something else.

Send messages that are short, precise and to the point. Many mobile users are going to just receive text messages. So, stay under 140 characters for these type messages to avoid them getting charged for multiple texts. Also keep the data size of all your messages as low as you can for those with limited data plans.

Tip: When staking out your mobile domain name, opt for an address that ends in '.mobi' rather than '.

Try to avoid using caps lock in your typing, with one exception. The only time this is a good idea is for your call to action bit of the message. Using caps lock anywhere else in your message is considered the equivalent of screaming or yelling.

Let your customers have a way of giving you feedback and input. Have a way they can contact you from their phones. Social media pages with listed guarantees of all queries and contacts being responded to within 24 hours goes over really well.

Tip: Be sure to make your emails user friendly for mobile phones. With the explosion of smart phone usage, it is more important than ever to be sure that mobile viewers can easily view the information on your message.

Send your messages out with deliberate timing. Try and determine when your messages are most likely to be seen by your customers, and even when they might want to see them. If you know your target demographics largely work banker's hours, then noon weekday messages are going to get forgotten by the time they get home. Sending them in the early evening or weekends might get better response rates.

Make sure that you keep up pace with technology. Mobile marketing is very young, as the technology behind it is very young. Stay open to the next big thing, as well as changes within this field. At the very least, test your messages out to see how they look on a wide variety of phones, if you are doing more than just basic text messages.

With the emergence and current booming sales and usage of mobile technology, the field of mobile marketing sure is a beneficial thing to take advantage of. With luck, some of the ideas in this article are new to you. Apply them towards your business promotions to see more money and customers in the coming days.

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