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Eating Disorder Articles About Obesity

The number of obese individuals has been steadily increasing these days. In fact, statistics show that about half of the Americans are obese. Obesity indicates excessive consumption of food that results to increased body fats. Certain individuals have a greater tendency to become obese compared to other people. Obesity is connected to eating disorders. One can learn more about obesity and how it relates to these disorders by reading eating disorder articles that abound in the Internet.

Experts clinically recognize eating disorders as a habit of over or under-eating or that can harm both physical and mental aspects of a person. There are three kinds of eating disorders which include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders. According to certain eating disorder articles, obesity is linked to binge eating disorders.

What is binge eating disorder? It is an abnormal eating pattern that may result to episodes of uncontrollable food consumption behavior in due time. These individuals are basically those who have low self-esteem, are being bullied and undergoing peer pressure, can’t handle stress, guilt, ashamed, and such. Here are some common examples that can link obesity and binge eating disorders:

• Eating large amounts of food and beverages when feeling hungry
• Eating too much compared to other individuals
• Spending time eating alone or in secret with large meals and drinks
• Feeling embarrassed, yet continuously enduring large food consumption
• Eating even when feeling full or uncomfortably full

Binge eating disorders pertains to ingesting large quantities of food that can result to obesity or a person to become obese. Although, not all binge eaters are taken as obese. There are individuals that have a normal body mass index, yet they are suffering from binge eating disorders. However, the percentage of binge eating disorders among obese is significantly higher compared to normal individuals.

A Way Out

Being obese is not only a related to a complex eating disorder; it may also result to different serious health problems such as heart problems, digestive problem and such. These are all possibilities if the lifestyle is not modified and the disorder is not treated. Becoming obese is unhealthy; binge eating, it may be result to worse conditions. This is the reason why; there are always escape hatches to avoid or end this kind of health dilemma. These are the following:

• Find an alternative hobby aside from eating too much. It can be a form of physical exercise. However, take into consideration to start from basic exercise before participating in more difficult physical exercise.
• Try to consider consulting with a registered doctor about the condition especially to improve oneself physically and psychologically as well.
• Basically, obesity and eating disorders cannot be done alone. There are some support groups particularly in connection with the problem that can help a person deal with the condition as a team. According to some eating disorder articles, the fastest way to end obesity and binge eating is with the help of support group and a certified physician.
• Obesity and binge eating are manageable. Discipline is important when it comes to attaining diet and other health goals. Without discipline, the said condition can progress into more serious complications.

There are many eating disorder articles about obesity and food bingeing. Awareness is important to combat this eating disorder. It is important to understand the relationship between obesity and binge eating to be able to find interventions that will lead to its early treatment. Being in the know can make people with tendencies to be obese or to binge on food to be more conscious about their lifestyle and eating habits as well as their options.

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