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Excellent Advice To Excel At SMS Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a hot button topic, and within it, there are few things more powerful, and controversial, than SMS marketing. Known by most as text messaging, SMS gives you instant access to a mobile device user in ways other strategies can't. But SMS is also a very personal service where poorly considered mobile marketing strategies may backfire. How do you prepare to deliver the best SMS marketing campaign possible? Look to some of the advice below to get you started.

Make sure your messaging is brief. Think of SMS marketing like billboard marketing on highways. You will more than likely catch the eye of your target audience, but you'll only have a few moments with them before they pass you by. Mobile users are often using their phones on the go. When text messages come in they will glance at them, but if it is not a social message, it will get very little time. So the shorter your message, the better chance you have of getting an action.

Tip: Do not neglect mobile marketing. The market is growing and changing everyday.

Give your readers the opportunity to opt-out of receiving more messages from you. As mentioned before, SMS marketing can backfire. If your target audience finds your communication annoying and they have no way to opt-out of receiving more, then you could be building more ill-will than brand loyalty. At the end of each text message, leave short but detailed instructions on how to stop receiving these texts. Usually this involves texting a specific short code with a specified word like "cancel." By giving your audience this level of control, you will actually keep them more engaged.

Keep your messages personable. Text messaging is a very social medium. It is very in at the moment, and the great majority of texts people receive are from friends and family. When you develop your campaign keep this in mind. Keep consistent with your overall branding, but don't be afraid to loosen up your language and have a little fun. By doing this, you'll give your marketing a better chance of succeeding.

Tip: Test your program before you start it. Customers do not like broken links, or dead images.

Relate your texts to current events. Because text messaging is so of the moment, tying your campaign into things happenng around the world can be a powerful way to get noticed and drive action. Be careful, though, that you don't offend subsets of your target audience in the process. There have been many cases where a company has stepped over the line while trying to be topical in SMS marketing.

Base your SMS marketing around offers and exclusive deals. This is the most powerful tool in your SMS marketing arsenal. Brand building campaigns are not ideal with mobile marketing. In fact, they can be just the type of messaging that feels unnecessary and annoying to your target audience. Exclusive offers, on the other hand, are nearly always welcomed. Make your SMS audience feel like they are part of a special club. Give them offers and deals unique to them. Pass on special discount codes that they could only receive via SMS. With this you begin to show your audience real value for continuing to remain opted into your messaging, and you'll certainly drive traffic and sales.

SMS marketing can be a real powerful strategy if you really think out your campaign. Use these tips, and stick with them. They will help ensure that you don't make some of the most common mistakes out there.

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