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Feeling In The Dark About Solar Energy? Check Out These Illuminating Tips!

Solar power is becoming very popular. The numerous benefits of solar energy are attractive to businesses and homeowners alike. If you don't know how it works or all of its benefits, continue reading! This article will give you the latest information regarding solar power.

Before installing a solar energy system, make sure your home is as energy efficient as possible. Your windows should be double paned and all air leaks should be sealed. Additionally, you may want to consider adding extra insulation to your home to help combat heating and cooling loss. Finally, replace all incandescent lighting with fluorescent or LED lighting.

Tip: You do not have to cover your roof with solar panels in order to use solar energy. The first step is to replace outdoor lighting with solar options.

Purchase batteries to store excess solar energy. These batteries are similar to rechargeable batteries; however, they use the sun's energy to power up the batteries. This energy can be used in the evenings and at night to help power your appliances, televisions and lighting requirements. These batteries are relatively inexpensive making them a great choice for the beginner.

Do your own research and find out if there are any rebates available for adding a solar system to your home. There are many local, state and federal programs that offer rebates for installing solar power in your home. Also check to see if you are eligible for tax incentives as well.

Tip: Dry your clothing outside. This old method works great.

Find out what kind of warranty comes with any system you are considering. A solar energy system should last you for at least twenty years, so be sure the company you are dealing with can support it. If there is no warranty, or an extremely limited one, it may be time to keep looking, no matter how great the savings are.

When you are building your own solar panel systems, expect to build multiple arrays for the highest-efficiency. A solar panel can only generate a certain amount of energy--usually a fairly low number--which means that you need more than one panel. Multiple panels in the right spots is a recipe for success.

Tip: Don't think the biggest solar panel is the best. The efficiency of a panel depends on its wattage and the materials used rather than its size.

Leasing a solar system is an option if up-front costs are prohibitive. In the long run, buying a solar energy system is always the better option, however leasing can still result in lower bills overall. Leasing a system will let you take advantage of the energy savings right away, however be aware that you can be stuck with your contract for up to 10 years.

Consider the quality of the equipment you will need to purchase for your solar power system. This includes the panels, charge controller, power inverter and batteries. Purchasing only high quality equipment will maximize the cost savings that solar energy provides you with, as well as the lifespan of your entire system.

Tip: Solar water heaters are a great option for those with pools or hot tubs. These systems use the heat of the sun, along with energy generated by the sun, and use them to heat your hot tub and pool.

It is crucial to speak with other homeowners who have invested in solar panels before you consider purchasing your own green energy system. Ask about price, performances and what kind of issues they ran into. You could also get some references for vendors, contractors or repairmen. Once you have your own system, do not hesitate to help other homeowners who are interested.

When it comes to solar energy, you must keep the solar panels clean for best results. Dirty solar panels do not allow the solar panels to absorb the maximum amount of energy. Therefore, to ensure your solar panels are running at peak performance, keep a regular maintenance and cleaning schedule.

Tip: Make sure that your solar panels are installed in a way so that they get the most sun possible throughout the entire year. If you don't know how to do it, look at the direction the sun is in and how it changes through the seasons.

Solar energy can only be used to power a home when the home's solar panels are functioning properly. To ensure the panels are working at maximum efficiency, perform regular maintenance on them. Dirt can easily accumulate on the panels if they are not cleaned, which can reduce the amount of sunlight the panels can absorb, creating less power.

Get the records from your energy company on how much energy you have used in the last five years. You can then use this information to figure out exactly how much power you will need solar energy to provide for you home. Having the past five years is important so that you can see that some years you will need more energy than others.

Tip: You do not need to live in a very sunny area to reap the benefits of solar energy. You don't need perfectly direct sunlight, or a specific temperature, to use solar energy to fulfill your energy needs.

Look for a transferable lease in the event that you choose to lease solar power. You don't want to have to pay off your solar energy system lease when you are living somewhere else! When you are able to transfer the lease, you can pass it on to the new homeowner.

Before purchasing solar panels from a company, do a background check. You should aim to work with companies who will likely be in existence for many more years. Also, find a company that offers a quality coverage plan.

There are probably numerous reasons why you have decided to click on and read this article. The above article has, hopefully, provided you with the answers you were seeking. If you like what you read, make use of solar energy today and reap the benefits that it provides.

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