Knowhow-Now Article

Figuring Out How To Market To A Mobile Nation

Even if you only started working online a few short years ago, you have already witnessed a lot of change with how internet marketing operates. It used to be that a basic website, a blog, and perhaps a few social networking sites were all you needed to build up a large base. These days, however, mobile devices have taken the world by storm and now marketing directly to these users is how you must reach them.

When it comes to mobile devices, those e-readers are king of the genre in terms of screen size, but since they don't have a phone number to reach them, we'll leave them out of this mobile marketing article. So what you're dealing with here are the different smartphones people use. Those screens are very small and thus you need to design smaller sites with compact, bold, easy-to-navigate features.

Tip: Set up a poll for your marketing campaign. Polls can be set up as a question-response format or a response message.

The whole idea behind mobile marketing is that you want to attract social users who can access your sites and products and other materials from anywhere they are in the world. It greatly expands your market by taking it out of people's living rooms and putting it into their pockets. So to ensure that your customers are paying more attention to your business, you should encourage more social interaction by becoming more personal in your marketing approach.

A great way to directly appeal to a mobile market is to create an efficient, useful, customized app that your customers can download from you. You want this app to be relevant to your business in some way, shape or form. Even if it's only an app that allows them to access a different version of your mobile site, like an on-the-go version that takes them directly to the good stuff, it's still worth it if it will earn you some more respect and ultimately more customers in the long run.

Tip: Make sure to conduct a usability test before rolling out your mobile marketing campaign to your consumers. Ask friends, family, employees or all of the above to receive your messages, respond and ask for their honest opinion of the experience.

Your mobile marketing efforts are all leading up to the interactions you're going to have with your customers via their mobile devices. Most of these interactions are going to take place by way of you sending them a text message and their ultimate response to an action you attach to it. Just remember that you have to be short and very precise with the message you're sending people. You can't have an entire article or something like that. Make a compelling headline and then add another explanatory line or two before the call to action.

There's nothing worse for your mobile marketing efforts than to have materials that take forever to load. Say that you created a quick 20-second video clip highlighting the benefits of your product, but you decided that a 5000kb bit rate gave you the best quality. Well, this isn't going to load well at all, not to mention that it's a huge bandwidth thief. Make sure your content loads quickly.

There are many things you can do in mobile marketing to ensure your success, and it all starts with using the tips you read in the text above. You should also continue to learn whatever you can about this genre of marketing.

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