Knowhow-Now Article

Finding Alternative Health Services For Pregnancy

One of the most important decisions to make is the decision of personal healthcare during pregnancy. This affects you, your partner, and the baby that is growing in your belly. You have a variety of options that can include a mainstream physician, a mid-wife, or a combination of both. The more educated you are the better you are able to make a decision that fits your needs and lifestyle. In addition to the medical professional who will provide prenatal and delivery care, there are a number of alternative services that prove very useful and successful throughout pregnancy and delivery (and in truth, beyond). A few of the more common are discussed here.


This may sound like a wacky new board game or funky dance, but actually it is a well trained individual who aides the birth mother and partner throughout pregnancy. In some cases they are a personal information booth and calming presence throughout this miraculous journey. A trained doula will offer massage and show the partner massage techniques so that they may become more involved. A doula is assigned to you throughout the pregnancy and even after the birth of your child. They offer emotional support through this highly emotional time. This person has a calming and educated presence to help alleviate fears that the birth mother and partner may be feeling. Many will stay around a few hours after the baby is born to assist with any breastfeeding needs. They also offer postpartum assistance and will make home visits for all those questions the new parents may have.

Massage Your Way Through

There are various types of massage and each has its own lists of benefits. There are different therapists that offer massage and may specialize in pregnancy massage. Your local hospital or even your local obstetrician will have a list of pregnancy-friendly massage therapists. It is a good idea to find a therapist that specializes with pregnancy because many will have specially designed tables that allow a mother-to-be a chance to lie safely on their stomachs. The table will have a cut out for the breasts and abdomen with support for extreme comfort. The reasons for massage therapy during pregnancy are endless but some reasons that stand out are:
• Changes – Emotional and physical changes occur during your pregnancy that can greatly affect your life. A trained massage therapist can offer relaxation, alleviate discomforts, and improve circulation which all leads to a more enjoyable pregnancy
• Muscles – Your muscles tend to hold tension and this is a tense time in your life. Having a massage will relax those muscles which will relieve pain
• Circulation – Improving your circulation through massage will help combat the endless fatigue you may encounter. The improved circulation will also benefit your baby because it will increase the flow of nutrition and oxygen
• Posture – Anyone who is pregnant can testify to the difficulty of posture. Your front is outgrowing the rest of your body and you have a tendency to fall forward, thus putting strain on your back. A trained massage therapist can offer help to maintain your posture so that you stand upright
• Togetherness – It is a together time in your life. You have created life and want to share all of its milestones with your partner. A massage therapy appointment can also benefit your partner by passing on hints of the trade. Your partner can then deliver some massage techniques when you most need it. The power of touch will bring you closer together


We have all seen advertisements for hypnosis help to stop doing something bad in our lives, such as smoking or drinking. It has been the main attraction on late night shows where people are made to do crazy things. However, hypnosis has made its way to the wonderful world of pregnancy. There are professional alternative therapists that offer this service to help in pregnancy and delivery. Some of the main benefits of hypnosis may include:

• Calmness – You will learn to calm your mind and body in preparation for the birth of your baby
• Fear – You can ease your fears, know that your body knows how to birth your baby, and learn different techniques to make a more pleasurable and memorable experience
• Forever – These techniques do not have to end with pregnancy. You will learn different ones that will correlate with your pregnancy, birth, and your everyday life that will help improve it in every way

There are many choices open to an expectant mother for alternative health practices. Some may be encouraged by the physician or mid-wife to aid in pregnancy and birth. It is always best to talk with this person and decide which of the services provided best fit your needs and will help you during the journey that is your pregnancy.

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