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Finding Meaning In The Different Types Of Eating Disorders

Each year, the different types of eating disorders are affecting more and more people. Many are undiagnosed, and many more ignore the symptoms. If left untreated, this condition can cause an avalanche of life-threatening health complications. Eating disorders are always a big problem in a lot of states or even countries all over the world. The number one reason why there is such thing as eating disorders is because people merely focus their physical worth in terms of weight and body shape.

According to some surveys, keeping-up with certain role model and icons is becoming a too common for people of this generation. Maintaining a certain perfect image is just excessively stressful; it just adds more tension and pressure on top of family and work pressures. Unintentionally, these people are unaware that they are becoming affected by these factors so that their eating behaviors and patterns are becoming modified towards the unhealthy side.

There are many different types of eating disorders that can be manifested by a person these days. It helps to know the different types of eating disorders because not all people suffering from eating disorders have the same symptoms and causes.

Here are the different types of eating disorders.

• Anorexia nervosa

This type of abnormal eating condition includes those individuals who are self-conscious about their body weight and normally manifest fear on gaining weight. This fear causes them to consume inadequate food deliberately. Unaware, these types of abnormal eating patterns start out as a simple habit may turn into a more disturbing and obsessive routine which can be deadly if it progresses. Anorexics are seriously at a great risk to starve to death.

Anorexic individuals are most likely to perceive themselves as gaining additional body fat and gaining weight. In reality, they are becoming overly skinny and unhealthy. Rapid and excessive weight loss is never healthy.

• Bulimia Nervosa

This is exemplified by a person who indulges in excessive consumption of food over a short period of time, followed by deliberate purging or vomiting. Normally purging is by means of inducing vomiting or abuse of laxative to expel the food they have eaten.

According to several psychological researches, a person who manifests bulimia nervosa is an individual who have self-destructive behaviors that includes self-mutilation, drug abuse, kleptomania, sexual promiscuity, and being unable to handle stress. Moreover, if these conditions progress; it can lead to serious complications when the body succumbs to serious complications like heart damage, kidney damage and serious injury in the digestive system.

• Binge Eating Disorders

One of the many types of such eating disorders is binge eating disorders. It is described as the abnormal eating practice, which denotes a large consumption of meals that surpasses the required amount of calorie absorption needed by the body system. These conditions can lead to obesity or already being obese on the first place. There are several reasons why many individuals experience these types of conditions. Although depression, guilt, shame, low self-esteem are on top of the list, binge eating disorders are triggered by many other factors.

Binge eating is an extremely compulsive way of eating which can be deadly. According to reports, over 300,000 individuals are binge eaters, and this figure is constantly increasing. A higher percentage can even lead to psychiatric disorders. In many of these cases, death can be the inevitable end if binge-eating individuals are left untreated.

As a conclusion, eating disorders may be common disorders. It needs to be addressed immediately to avoid serious complications. Discussed above are some types of eating disorders that a person may experience. Knowing and understanding each type of eating condition is beneficial, keep in mind that proper consultation with a licensed physician is important in dealing with and treating the eating disorders.

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