Knowhow-Now Article

Food With Biotin Also Known As B Seven

Vitamin B 7, also called biotin, is an important element to keeping your metabolism running smoothly and efficiently. It can also aid in the growth of cells, help release energy from food and regulate blood sugar levels. Since there is a lot of food with biotin this type of deficiency is quite rare.

Though it is rare, it is not impossible. True, there are many types of food with biotin but not everyone has access to quality food or likes to eat foods that are good for them.

There are a lot of signs of a biotin deficiency. Here are some of the most common:

1. Hair loss. If you start losing your hair for no apparent reason you may want your doctor to look at a biotin deficiency as the possible culprit.

2. If you suffer from skin rashes on a regular basis, that may be another sign that you aren't getting enough of this vital vitamin.

3. An unexpected or unexplained drop in weight can be another possible side effect of eating a diet without adequate amounts of Vitamin B 7.

4. Unexplained and ongoing muscle pain is yet another possible symptom of a biotin deficiency.

5. Localized loss of feeling. If you suddenly go numb in some area of your body, it can be a sign of that you aren't getting enough vitamin B 7 in your daily diet.

Tip: Try a weight loss spa. There are a lot of things to try when you are trying to lose weight.

Some other possible symptoms of a Vitamin B 7 deficiency are: high cholesterol, depression and nausea. As you can see, many of these symptoms can also be signs of other health issues and not necessarily a result of a biotin deficiency.

But if you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, it can't hurt to ask your doctor about them and ask if a lack of Vitamin B 7 is if not the whole cause, possibly a small part of the problem.

Tip: There are some excellent weight loss support groups throughout the world both online and offline. Some programs have their own support groups but there are other independent groups which are very beneficial.

The amount of biotin you need in your diet will vary by your age as well, in some cases, as by your gender. Young children will obviously need a somewhat smaller dose than an older child or adult. New mothers who are breastfeeding will need the highest amount of B 7 in their daily diets.

Since biotin is so readily available in a wide variety of foods, you should have no problem in getting enough into your daily diet.

Tip: Even though you are on vacation try to stay active. This does not mean you have to go to the gym everyday, you can do simple things.

Here are just some of the foods that are rich in biotin:
the highest possible concentration of foods with biotin are nuts. Things like peanuts, almonds and even peanut butter are all good sources.

Just one half cup of peanuts will provide you with more than twice your daily requirement of biotin, that is if you are an adult.

Other foods that provide smaller amounts are tuna, pork, papaya, carrots, tomato sauce, banana, salmon, sweet potato, cashews, and cooked eggs.

Out of all the vitamins and minerals you need on a daily basis, one of the easiest to get into your diet is biotin. Since there is such a wide variety of food with biotin it shouldn't be too big of a challenge for even the pickiest of eaters to get enough of this important vitamin on a daily basis.

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