Knowhow-Now Article

Hair Loss Caused By Damaged Brittle Hair

If you are plagued with dry, brittle hair that breaks easily and makes your hair appear thin, you'll be happy to know that there is quite a bit you can do to renew and rejuvenate your hair. It may take some time, but with patience and perseverance, you can transform the condition of your hair. In the process, you may find your life less stressful because when it comes to taking good care of your hair, less is more. In this article, we will discuss some smart ways to prevent hair breakage. Read on to learn more.

Tip: There is no cure for male pattern baldness, but hair replacement therapies are available. An aura of confidence and self-comfort is more visible to people than your hair loss.

Start your hair-healing journey by getting a good haircut. Go to a skilled stylist and get a cut that flatters your face and makes the most of your hair's natural qualities. Opt for a low-maintenance cut that will be easy to wash and quick to dry on its own. Your goal is to be able to brush and fluff once in the morning and once before bed and ignore your hair the rest of the time. An easy care haircut is the basis of healthy, natural hair.

Tip: Emu oil on the hair and scalp is an effective treatment for hair loss. Just rub the oil on your scalp and hair before going to sleep.

When you over-treat and over-process your hair, it can cause dryness and brittleness which lead to breakage. One of the first things you should do to avoid damaging your hair is eliminate harsh treatments and styling products and practices from your hair care routine. You should neither straighten nor perm your hair. Don't use harsh, chemical hair coloring products.

Tip: It is not a good idea to wear a wig if you are experiencing hair loss. Wigs cause natural hair to quickly fall out because it can ruin your scalp and hair follicles.

Avoid heat treatments of all kinds. Remember that natural air drying or drying your hair in the sun are both preferable to blow-drying or sitting under a hot dryer. Even though this takes a little more time, you are sure to find it relaxing to simply wait until your hair is dry rather than rushing around to dry it. When you use gentler products to wash your hair, you will actually find that you don't need to wash it as often, so you may come to look forward to taking some time to yourself once or twice a week to simply let your hair dry!

Tip: It is possible to slow hair loss by consuming white sesame seeds. You can try to eat roughly a handful of the white sesame seeds every morning.

Style your hair without heat, too. Don't use flattening irons, hot curlers or curling irons. When you switch to a gentler way of washing your hair, you will find it coming to life after a while. Your hair may have qualities that you have not known about, such as a little curl or a bounce and shine that you have been killing with harsh treatments. Give your hair a chance to heal naturally, and you may be very pleasantly surprised by its appearance.

Tip: Use shampoo that is made for your hair type. You can ask your hair stylist what kind of hair you have so you can determine if you need a shampoo that treats dry, oily, dandruff or normal hair.

Handle your hair gently to avoid breakage. Brush your hair thoroughly before washing. Mix a small amount of your hair care products with about a quart of warm water each and pour these through your hair rather than scrubbing them in. Massage your scalp gently as you apply your hair care products, but avoid tangling your hair. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

Tip: Try to use fenugreek seeds that you have soaked in water. The first step is applying coconut oil to the hair.

Wrap your head in a towel for a few minutes after washing. Remove the towel and just let your hair dry on its own. Once your hair is thoroughly dry, run your fingers through it to remove any tangles, then comb and brush it. You will be surprised by how full and soft your hair will become with this gentle treatment.

When you take the time to get the perfect haircut and then handle your hair gently, consistently and with patience, you can slowly nurture it back to health. Make the most of your hair and avoid hair loss through breakage by following the tips presented in this article.

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