Knowhow-Now Article

Homeopathic Mental Health Options And Treatments

Emotional stress is a part of every person's life. However, some people are more sensitive to the effects of psychological anxiety than others are. This could be the direct result of a specific incident in life, the cumulative impact of several traumas or experiences, or the result of chemical imbalance in the body and brain.

There is no shortage of mainstream chemical interventions from modern science. The safety and efficacy of these is regularly called into question, though. For a growing population the risk versus reward of using chemical medicines and invasive treatments is too negligible. And still others know inherently that there is a better, more natural way to deal with psychological imbalance. Homeopathic medicine offers a number of solutions and treatment options for dealing with emotional and psychological health concerns. And better still the promise is an attention and solution for the whole person, not just a singular fix for a symptom of larger affliction.

Natural healing is an all-inclusive term that refers to more than just homeopathy, although the different practices of alternative healing and natural medicine are often thought by the uninformed to be the same. Really, though, homeopathy is just one facet—one practice that falls into this larger category (a category that serves as an umbrella for any healing practice that is outside the scientific norm of mainstream medicine—practices which include herbal medicine, massage therapy, holistic medicine, and meditation, among many others).

Homeopathy more specifically refers to treating like problems with like compounds—small dilutions of ingredients that cause similar afflictions and neutralize the illness or disease. The practice is used for many different physical and emotional conditions.

What About Emotional Help?

For mental illness or mental health difficulties there are several treatment options to be explored. One of those options is homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy is based on the philosophy that the mind and body are integrated as one and should be treated as such. Based on this theory, a homeopathy designs a treatment plan that incorporates the needs on a physical and a psychological level. A well trained homeopathy knows that some of the patient’s symptoms are complex, so they are able to differentiate them and take special note so they can choose a remedy on the individual’s needs.

What Can Homeopathic Medicine Treat?

Homeopathy can used to treat several psychological disorders. Some of these are:

• Anxiety
• Insecurity
• Depression
• Withdrawal
• Psychosexual problems
• Fears and phobias
• Schizophrenia
• Obsessional states

The doctor will not just diagnosis and treat the disorder itself, but will treat the whole person. The homeopathic doctor will interview the patient to get the full story - physical and mental. They will ask questions regarding the patient’s history so they can correctly design a therapy. This is the essence of homeopathy. The understanding of the whole person will give the homeopathic doctor the full reason of the imbalance and the imbalance is the root of the mental disorder.

When mental or emotional issues go untreated they can be the cause of physical ailments that include heart strain, stroke, stomach upset, chronic headaches and more. The same theory can be reversed for the understanding of mental disorders. If a patient ignores their physical ailments then it can be the cause of certain mental disorders. Illness can result in anxiety or emotional uneasiness.

A homeopath will look at this angle and use it when design the therapies. For example, a woman is taking the prescribed drugs to help her with anxiety but still feels the uneasiness. She seeks the help of a homeopathic physician who has her stop all that medication and drink up to 64 ounces of water over the next few days to help detoxify her body of the chemicals in the drugs. When she comes back to the homeopath, the doctor conducts an extensive interview that gives him the complete story of her physical, mental, emotional, and social history. This allows him to pinpoint the imbalance and design a natural therapy just for her.

Traditional medicine primarily treats symptoms, and not whole-body illnesses. Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, takes nothing as independent and attacks the problem by treating the whole body and all associated illnesses to clear the individual of all pains, both physical and psychological, understanding that in so many cases the one manifests the other.

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