Knowhow-Now Article

How Can Mobile Marketing Help You Sell More Products?

Do you need a new way to stay in touch with your customers? You should think about launching a mobile marketing campaign. Read this article before you get started with mobile marketing.

There are different types of mobile marketing. Text alerts allow you to advertise discounts and keep your customers informed about your new products. You could create a website to present basic information about your products and latest discounts or let your customers download apps. There are several kinds of apps you can create, including games, interactive catalogs, learning tools or anything else you can think of. You should explore your different options and find out which methods would be the most adapted to your audience. Have your customers answer to surveys to find out what kind of mobile phones they own. Do not develop apps if your customers do not own Smartphones, iPhones or tablets.

Tip: The best text message that you send will be non-commercial related. They will be brief and have links to your customers that will be valuable.

Your products should remain at the center of your mobile marketing campaign. Use text alerts, your mobile site and your apps to advertise your new products. If you are going to use text alerts, send out a coupon code once a week or a link to your mobile website for more details about your products. You could also share a picture of your latest product: send out an MMS to your customers. Keep in mind that pictures might take a long time to load if your customers do not have the latest devices.

If you want to create a mobile website, you can keep your products at the center of your campaign by sharing pictures, reviews and descriptions on your mobile site. Keep your mobile site simple and make sure it loads quickly on different devices and web browsers. You could share coupon codes on your homepage to keep people coming back to your site. If you think that your customers would be likely to use their phone to shop online, allow them to browse through your products and order from your mobile website.

Tip: Avoid using all caps and abbreviations. You want to make your message look as professional as possible.

Your apps will be popular if you create original and useful ones. Be creative and experiment with different things. You could create a game based on your product and reward customers with a coupon code when they complete a level of the game. You can also create an interactive catalog to help people find the products that correspond to their needs, customize them and order them. You could also create an app that is useful and allows your customers to learn more on topics related to your products: for instance, if you sell cookware, create an app that allows your customers to browse through recipes and save their favorite ones. Do not hesitate to create more than one app and to share links to download your apps on your mobile website or via text alerts.

Apply these tips and take the time to develop your own mobile marketing campaign. Keep track of your progress and do your best to improve your campaign so your customers stay interested.

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