Knowhow-Now Article

How To Have Fun With Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is becoming the newest marketing trend today. Many people use their cell phones for more than just making calls. They use them as a mobile Internet to search, shop and many other things; they offer a way to call and text message, they play music, take pictures and so much more. Why not take advantage of this and market your business via cell phones. You will find that this marketing technique can be very quick, effective and cost efficient. Continue reading to find out how you can have fun and grow your business by using mobile marketing.

First of all, you need to get your customers and audience to sign up to be a part of your mobile campaign. Sure, you can ask them for their phone number and email address, but many will not give them to you so easy. You will find that some people will hand them over easily, but some people protect this information with their life. If you offer some sort of incentive, you may find that more people will be willing to share this information with you. What do you have to offer? A special discount, a free sample or a great deal will usually entice many people to sign up for your mobile marketing campaign.

Tip: Make your mobile marketing campaigns interactive. Draw in your customers and offer them a way to interact with the system or amongst themselves.

Now you have the information you need, what do you do with it? When it comes to mobile marketing, there are so many things you can do with it. Do you want to set up a rewards program? Lots of people like being rewarded for making purchases or just coming into your business. Set up a way for them to check in or keep track of their purchases, and when they reach a certain amount, offer a reward that will lure them in.

Another thing you can do with mobile marketing is send your subscribers helpful information. Do you have a sale coming up? If so, send out a message a few days before your sale letting your subscribers know all about it. Tell them what kind of sale it is, what you have on sale, what the prices are like and any other information you think they would like to know. Did you just get in a new shipment of a popular product? Let your customers know via text message or email.

Tip: Incorporate QR codes into your print material. These can be scanned by most Smart phones, and then they bring the user directly to your website.

When you do send out messages, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Since there are many different smart phone platforms, you need to make sure that any information you send out can be viewed on all these different platforms. You also need to take into consideration the timing of sending out messages. Do not send them out at a time where they will irritate your subscribers. You also do not want to send them out too far in advance of a specific event where your subscribers may end up forgetting about what you have going on.

Mobile marketing offers many, many possibilities. You can easily grow your business and reward loyal customers if you choose to begin a mobile marketing campaign. Try out the tips shared in this article and you can successfully run a mobile marketing campaign that your customers will appreciate and that will help your business grow.

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