Knowhow-Now Article

How To Pack For A Vacation

Often times, packing and planning for a vacation is worse than any other part of the experience. However, there are many things you can do to enhance your packing experience an ensure that you fit more things in a smaller space, making your luggage lighter and more manageable. By following these simple tips, you can pack like a pro and get more enjoyment out of your trip.

Tip: Avoid foods that may contain something you're allergic to hiding in a dish. Studying the language, especially the words in which you need to know to explain your allergy, is a very important thing to do when traveling abroad.

Make a list of everything you will absolutely require on your trip. This is a list of only the essentials. If you will be at a beach, for example, a bathing suit is an essential item. It would take a long time to find a new one, and you will definitely need it. However, by these standards, an umbrella is unnecessary because there is only a possibility you will need it, and it is very easy to procure one.

Tip: When traveling, it is important to wear shoes that are comfortable and easily removable. You will be required to remove your shoes at the security checkpoints, and you may want to take them off while in the air.

Do not over pack for your trip. You should not require two large personal suitcases for a trip of any length. In fact, it is arguable you should be able to get along on a trip with only one medium-sized suitcase, if you packed correctly and are staying less than one month.

Tip: Pick up a cheap contact lens case. These are great for small amounts of liquids.

Get everything together a few days before your trip and pack them into your suitcase. If you find yourself with extra space, feel free to pack along the items that are unessential, but that you would like to have. These may include additional pairs of shoes, hats, scarves, etc.

Tip: If you have a long travel time you should ensure that you give yourself some time to stretch, even if you are getting up for no reason. Sitting for hours is bad for your circulation and you might experience pain in your legs if you do not stretch.

Consider rolling your clothing into cylindrical tube shapes to prevent wrinkling and to save space. You can also consider using a 'bundle method', which can be found online. This method creates a thick bundle of clothing that saves the maximum amount of space by overlapping clothing. You can fit about 60 days of clothing (with mixing and matching, of course) into a carry-on using the bundling method, once you get the hang of it--but it needs to be completely undone and redone again if you plan on removing an item.

Tip: Pack with your scheduled destinations and activities in mind, so that you travel with no more than you absolutely need. A light, smart packing job will make any trip easier and more enjoyable.

Only bring one pair of sensible shoes that will match up with all of your clothing. If you choose simple basics, this should be very easy. However, if you are going for a business purpose, consider bringing along your dress shoes and putting all of your socks inside of the shoes to save the maximum amount of space.

Tip: You do not have to go a long distance to have a great quick trip. You don't have to leave the state.

When counting how many articles of clothing you are planning to bring, be sure to include the clothing you will be wearing there. This allows you to cut out an entire outfit from the days you will be there. Also, remember that you will likely be requiring pajamas or something to sleep in, so plan accordingly.

By following a simple packing list and employing a good sense of what is and isn't necessary for travel, you can ensure that you can have a safe and happy vacation without dragging along extra luggage. By following these simple tips, you can have an enjoyable vacation experience with all the comforts of home available.

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