Knowhow-Now Article

How To Promote Your Products Via Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is an excellent way to reach out to your audience and generate more sales. Read this article to find out how you could boost your sales thanks to text alerts, mobile websites and apps.

Use text alerts to share coupon codes, information about sales and other promotional events. Plan all your discounts in advance and let your customers know about the good deals a few days ahead of time and remind them right when the sale starts. If you sell products online, you could give a reduction or a offer a chance to win a free product to the first customer who places an order on your site after receiving your text alert. If you have a store, uses your text alerts to let people know about the sales you are having and encourage them to visit your store.

Tip: Build web-based landing pages that are specialized for mobile devices. These mobile landing pages streamline design and content to offer a cleaner, more engaging mobile experience for the reader.

Your mobile website should be a lighter version of your regular site, but you can focus on certain products by placing them on your homepage. Use your mobile site to share coupon codes and exclusive information about your new products. If your customers are likely to use their mobile phone to shop online, allow them to log in to your site and place an order. Give people an incentive to visit your mobile site: you could share a link to this site via text alerts or on social networks and mention the coupon codes you are sharing.

A lot of teenagers and young adults use their mobile phones to visit social networks. If you are selling products to this age group, you should develop a mobile marketing campaign that is closely connected to your social media marketing one. This means you should have links to your profiles on your mobile site and share updates similar to your text alerts. You can also encourage people to use social networking apps to share their own content with you and enter a contest: ask people to take pictures of themselves with your products or in your store and upload them to Facebook or Twitter.

Tip: Make a social marketing policy. Every business should have policies to help dictate proper behavior, and mobile marketing is no different.

Developing apps is a good way to reach out to your customers if they use Smartphones or tablets. Keep in mind that you might exclude a lot of people who do not use these expensive devices: do some research about your target audience and find out how many people would be able to use your apps. You can generate more sales with apps by keeping them centered on your products. Using an app will remind a customer about your brand, but you can generate more sales if your products are featured in your app. You could for instance develop a game featuring your products, allow people to customize one of your product or provide your customers with an interactive catalog that would help them select the best products.

Use these tips to develop a good mobile marketing campaign and see some results in terms of sales. Do a lot of research about your audience and how they use their mobile phones before you get started.

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