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How To Road Trip With Kids

The family road trip can be one of the most remarkable and rewarding experiences a family can have together. However, when traveling with children, things can be very stressful. However, with some careful planning and consideration, you can reduce the stress a road trip can cause. By following these simple tips, you can make the most of your family vacation and road trip, even with children in tow.

Tip: If you want to take your pet along with you on your travels, it is important to look into hotels that are pet-friendly. Pay attention to whether or not they charge extra fees for allowing animals.

Take plenty of rest stops, regardless of if you plan on doing any resting at all. This gives your children time to run around, burn off excess energy, use the restroom, get snacks and drinks, and explore where they are going. It can also help reduce carsickness, should your children be susceptible to it.

Tip: Before you set off on a trip outside of the country, purchase an electrical adapter or voltage converter from a discount electronics store. Waiting until the last minute will leave you vulnerable to highly inflated costs at airport gift shops or those located within a hotel zone.

Prepare to have changes in your plans. This is something most parents excel at, as children can change the course of an entire day in one fell swoop. As a result, you should always have a backup plan, in case you wind up going somewhere else, needing a distracting moment away from a cancelled part of the trip, etc.

Tip: Make sure to research the current status of social and political events and occurrences in the foreign country you'll be visiting. Your government's consular authorities are likely online; a quick visit to their website will tell you if there are any developments of concern that might affect your trip.

Keep your kids full, to minimize carsickness. Use snacks to do this, and stop for full meals when applicable. Make the snacks healthy, like vegetables, pieces of fruit, nuts, trail mix, or pretzels. Too many sugary snacks with not enough substantial food can make children feel ill, and make them hyperactive.

Tip: Prepare ahead of time if you'll be traveling by airplane. It can be difficult navigating traffic in big cities, where many airports are located.

Travel in stages, if you are going very far for multiple days. Driving for two days consecutively can be stressful, and a poor experience for both you and your children. Stop for a day in between days of driving and take in local sights, visit a park, zoo, or amusement park. This can be a great way to relieve the exhaustion of driving, and keep your children tired and relaxed on the rest of the drive.

Tip: If you have to drive a distance to the port to get on a cruise,drive there the night before and stay at a hotel that has free parking. Even if they don't publicize the service, it can't hurt to ask about free parking deals at your hotel.

Travel at the right time of day for your children. Some parents find that driving through the night and arriving at the destination by morning can be beneficial, as it allows the children to sleep in the car on the way there. Other families prefer that everyone is well-rested before embarking in the morning.

Tip: If the site you are using offers an online tracking feature, use it. You will get updates on the most cost-efficient options to travel.

Upon arriving at the destination, see what local experiences interest your children. By driving through a city on your way to your lodging, point out possible places of interest, and see if your children are interested in going to any of them.

Tip: Rather than folding your clothes when you pack them in your suitcase, try rolling them up neatly. If you do this you will save a ton of room for more luggage.

Play travel games to keep your children interested and alert. This can also keep them from getting bored and irritable. Printing out road trip bingo charts, playing the license plate game, and variations of the alphabet game can all be great ways to occupy your children's minds.

Tip: Hotel etiquette calls for tipping the bellhop and housekeeping staff. For these services, a good tip for housekeeping would be from $2-$5 per day, and $1 per bag of luggage.

Make stops at parks along the way. This will give both you and your children time to stretch your legs and relax, particularly if you or your adult companion experience road rage while driving, which can stress children out.

Bring movies on portable devices, if you can.

Traveling as a family in a road trip vacation can be a great way to bond with your children. By planning ahead and taking into consideration a child's need for instant gratification, you can have a great experience.

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