Knowhow-Now Article

How To Stay Safe While Traveling Alone

For people who love to travel, waiting for a companion to get money or time away from work can be simply too much of a wait. As a result, many people enjoy the idea of traveling alone: but are rather afraid of what might await them out in the world, alone. By following these simple tips, you can lessen your vulnerability to crimes while traveling, and give you a safe trip--regardless of where you go.

Tip: It is important to remain calm and not panic if your luggage does not make it to your vacation spot with you. First, seek out an airport official, and have him or her locate the office for lost luggage.

Be aware of your surroundings. Exercise constant vigilance, which is one of the only ways to ensure that no one will bring harm to you. When you enter an area, be sure to note all means of exiting and entering that place, and if there are any areas where shady people may be congregating. Exercise caution in this instance, and be careful not to be alone and inattentive for any period of time.

Tip: Give your dog or dogs a thorough brushing before you load them into the car for a trip. By doing so, you remove loose hair that would otherwise get shed inside your car.

Limit the amount of time you travel alone at night. Though walking through Naples at night may seem like a perfectly romantic idea, the world had changed. Thieves and other criminals are usually afoot more so at night and so if you want to travel at night, consider traveling with a group.

Tip: If you plan going camping or hiking, be sure to keep a map handy of the surrounding area. You will also want to have a compass or a GPS that you can use just in case you should get lost in the wilderness.

Don't tell people you do not know that you will or are be traveling alone. This is a huge mistake that many people make, and allows all sorts of people--criminals included--know that you will be vulnerable in that instance.

Tip: To enjoy your destination to its fullest, don't forget to factor in the weather. Make sure you look at the weather forecast for your intended destination.

Lock up your belongings when you are away from them, or keep them on your person. If you bring a laptop, carry it in your back in a zippered pocket and case, and consider wearing your pack to the front in crowded areas or on trains to be sure no one will steal it from you. If you leave your items in a hotel or hostel room, place them in a safe or locker.

Tip: Make sure you are prepared to take care of yourself, even on longer flights. Provide your own blanket and pillow if you know that you will have a requirement for them, your own headphones too.

Use travelers checks or your ATM card while visiting a foreign country. It can be particularly helpful for you to withdraw cash from an ATM using your card and PIN, then placing your card in a deep pocket of your backpack in case of emergencies.

Check in and correspond with your loved ones frequently, to let them know that you are okay, safe, and enjoying your trip.

Tip: It's important to tip the housekeeper and bell station well. You should tip the bell hop around one dollar per bag that they carry.

Report suspicious activity you see to the authorities. The life you save may be your own, so be sure to tell all guards when you see any sort of suspicious activity or feel threatened or in danger.

If something doesn't feel right, trust your gut and do not engage in that activity of behavior.

Traveling alone can be a wonderful and enriching experience, but it can also make you much more susceptible to crime. By staying constantly alert, ensuring you know where your belongings are at all times, and by simply being careful and using common sense, you can be sure that you will not find yourself in any unnecessary danger while traveling abroad, even if you are doing so by yourself.

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