Knowhow-Now Article

Ideas For Your Vacation Souvenirs

When going on vacation, we all like to bring home something to remind us of our trip. Sometimes, these souvenirs can be hard to collect or become a problem to display when coming home. The following article will give you some great ideas on how to collect souvenirs and what to do with them when you get home.

Tip: The newsletters of major airlines are great sources for travel deals. Those publications will ensure you are aware of current discounts and deals as well as last-minute offers.

On some of my recent travels, I have used the items that I am wearing to bargain for souvenirs. For instance, I was once able to trade a Hard Rock Cafe baseball cap for a very nice statue in a small town in Mexico. This was not the first time I have done this. Many people do not have access to the clothing or other items that are available in your culture and are more than willing to trade with you instead of taking money.

Tip: If the hotel you want to stay in is fully booked, you can ask if they have a room which is out of service but still livable. Sometimes the only thing wrong with these rooms is a broken piece of furniture or a hole in the wall.

Over the years, I have been collecting various beer glasses from around the world. When I go into the local pubs and I see a unique or original glass, I will ask the bartender if I can purchase one. When I tell the bartender about my collection, the bartender will give me one of the glasses for free almost every time. I offer to pay, but more often than not, they will just give them to me.

Tip: Traveling is a great way to educate your family. Traveling to foreign lands provides you with an ideal opportunity to teach your children about the workings of the world beyond your own country, and, with just a few sensible precautions, it is also completely safe.

A lot of people take beach vacations and collect souvenirs when they are walking on the beach. Many times, these collectables end up in bags when returning home, eventually ending up in storage and out of sight. A great way to display these artifacts is to buy a shadow frame to place them in. Tag them with the year and location, and display the various collectables in your shadow box to keep these memories alive.

Tip: When traveling internationally, use bottled water. The water you find in other countries may not be safe to drink as it can cause different sicknesses.

My wife loves to buy unique t-shirts on our travels. Over the years, these shirts have ended up getting stained and tossed into storage. She discovered a bag of these shirts in the attic last year and decided to do something with them. Most of them were a few sizes too small, or otherwise unusable, so she cut out the design on the fronts and made them into a quilt. We now have a fantastic quilt that reminds us of all of our travels.

Tip: It is best to take dark clothing on a trip, especially if you are bringing pants or dresses. Dark clothing tends to conceal dirt and wrinkles, both of which are a normal part of extended travel outside of your home environment.

When I was younger, I was frequently traveling on a budget. I did not have money to purchase food on occasion, let alone souvenirs. I decided that the best way to have a keepsake of my travels was to find little things along the way that would work as a souvenir. I would collect coins, ticket stubs, bar coasters, and photos to remind me of my trip. I found these items a few years ago and made them into a collage that is now hanging in my office.

Traveling the world is a great experience. You meet a lot of interesting people and see things that most people never see. Collecting souvenirs is part of the fun of this experience. Using these tips, you can collect some treasures along the way and showcase them so they are not forgotten.

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