Knowhow-Now Article

It's The Little Things That Make A Cruise More Enjoyable

Taking a cruise is an excellent way to relax and unwind. If you have never taken a cruise before or even if you are a seasoned veteran, there are some little things that are often forgotten before embarking. These are not really deal breakers like forgetting to pack a formal outfit or your swimsuit, but they are important tips that can make your cruse more enjoyable.

Tip: With these, you can link your hotel TV and computer together. You can take advantage of various streaming movies rather than pay for expensive rentals directly from the hotel.

One of the biggest problems when cruising is the size of the drink cups. Tiny coffee mugs and juice glasses are standard on all cruise ships. Not only do they spill easily, but they do are too small for the average person. Pack yourself a large travel mug so that you can get a cup of coffee or juice and bring it with you without having to worry about it spilling. Now you can relax by the pool with your drink and not have to get up every 10 minutes for a refill. You can fill it with small items when packing to conserve room.

Tip: Bring only what you need. Establish a list of the essential items you want to bring, and review it carefully.

Have you ever seen those clips that hold towels on lounge chairs? These are great items to have on cruises. Many people forget that the boat is always in motion. This means that there is wind constantly blowing on deck. You do not have to purchase expensive clips that are "designed" to hold your towel; you can just buy large chip clips and use them to hold your towel on the chair. Now your towel will not slide down on the lounge chair or blow away.

Tip: Clothespins can be a useful item while traveling. You would be amazed at how useful these will turn out to be.

Many people worry about their valuables when going on a cruise ship. Yes, most of the modern cruise ships have safes in their rooms, but not all of them do. An easy way to hide your valuables on a cruise is to bring a tackle box with you. Thieves will not bother looking in a tackle box for valuables. As an added bonus, there are lots of little compartments for storing earrings and necklaces.

Tip: If you plan on visiting the National Parks often, it would be best to invest in a National Park Pass. They cost around $50 and will get you into any national park for a whole year.

Every cabin door on a cruise ship looks alike. No matter where you are located on the boat, long hallways of cabins can make finding your room a chore. Bring a bow or a photo of your pet to tape to the door to make finding your cabin easier. Don't use a photo of yourself or your family though; you do not want strangers to know which room is yours.

Tip: Book a certain seat on the place to ensure that your flight is as comfortable as possible. Often you will be able to choose your exact seat, but occasionally that option is not available.

One of the most important little tips for making your cruise more enjoyable is to arrive at least a day early for the cruise. If your cruise is set to depart on Tuesday, arrive on Monday and relax before the cruise. One flight delay, missed plane or unexpected event could cause you to not make it to the port on time. If you are a day early, you do not have to worry about this.

Although the tips in this article are small convenience items, they are really important for enjoying a successful cruise. Remember them the next time you are setting out to go on a cruise adventure and enjoy yourself a little bit more.

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